Choice Of Dress: Does Our Dress Sense Really Matter?

in Steem Kids & Parents2 years ago


Good day everyone, I believe we are all doing great, today I just want us to talk about our dress sense and it influence on us. Somehow, we seem to neglect this part of life and embrace the unnecessary part of life. We sometimes go about our daily businesses without giving a thought about the impression our dress sense creates about us. Let me not bore you with much talks, let's get down to how it affects us.

How Important Is Our Dress Sense?


Dress Sense plays an important role in our day to day lives. Apart from our dresses covering our nakedness, it also speak to others about our professions. Dressing has gone far above covering of ones nakedness or shielding from bad weather, it goes a whole large length to tell others about the things we do, the job or the religion we belong to.

Secondly, our dress sense makes us represent our diverse cultures and that is the beauty of dressing differently. Every culture, race and ethnic group has their dress code. So it will be very easy to know an Asian person by just looking at the dress he or she puts in

How Does Our Dress Sense Influences Us?

Just as I have said earlier, we are often referred as a certain group of people or profession based on how we dress, so inorder to maintain some level of integrity, we should dress the way we want to be addressed. Dress Sense should not be underated because it can either promote you or demote you.

Secondly, sometimes we just want to look to fly that we forget to check if our dresses are decent enough for others to accord the respect we deserve. The same way we can't go naked should be the same way we shouldn't play with the way we dress. For every occasion there should be a corresponding dress sense for it, this tells us how powerful being unique could be if not being considered.

Also, attending an interview with short pant can only speak doom to such interview, sometimes there is no magic to most of these things. We are too passionate about being validated by others than thinking of our sanity and peace of mind. Dressing out of line for occasions can make mess with your mind and create a sense of rejection within you.

Most cases, we have seen security agencies arresting innocent people due to their choice of dress, this mostly happens in West Africa, where the Police will arrest people for dressing like cultists or rascals, most times these people are not really what they are being accused of but because eof their choice of dress, they are being apprehended.

Lastly, talking of religion, there are some religion that forbids people wearing a certain type of dress and if per adventure they get to know that it's been faulted, a corresponding punishment will be issued out to the offender. This is the beauty of uniqueness, everybody are unique, but what we put on can either punish us or bless us.

In Conclusion

Dressing has overtime been seen as just a nakedness but today, it has grown above such. Our cultural, ethnic and religious diversity is unique and we should endeavour to express our beauty through nice wears. Because the way we dress is the way we want other people to address us.

Thanks for reading
