As the left urges "in-labor abortions" we should be supporting this! REPEAL ROE v. WADE...and save your country!!
I truly believe that if America does not soon repent of the immense evil that is convenience abortion (indeed any abortion at all, unless there is medical proof that the mother will die otherwise) that we will soon be judged harshly and here is what God has said about defiling the land with such Molech worship as sacrificing all these babies.
"You must keep all my decrees and regulations by putting them into practice; otherwise the land to which I am bringing you as your new home will vomit you out." (Leviticus 20:22)
I believe we are completely corrupting the land to the point where we WILL be vomited out.
The Foundation for Moral Law and others have, today, filed a brief with the U.S. Supreme Court asking FOR THE REPEAL OF ROE V. WADE!
Here is their press releases that they urged me to share with you all:
January 30, 2019
MONTGOMERY, AL: The Foundation for Moral Law (“the Foundation”), joined by Personhood Alabama and The Adoption Law Firm, filed an amicus brief in the United States Supreme Court today urging it to overrule Roe v. Wade. In this case, Marshall v. West Alabama Women’s Center, an abortion clinic challenged an Alabama law that banned D&E abortions, which kill babies by ripping their limbs off until they bleed to death. The Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals expressed concern about the legitimacy of the Supreme Court’s abortion precedents, but it felt constrained to follow them and declare the law unconstitutional. The State has now asked the Supreme Court to take the case.
The Foundation and the other pro-life groups on the brief argued that the Supreme Court’s abortion jurisprudence has no basis in the Constitution and therefore should be overruled. They also argued that if the Court did not want to overrule its prior decisions, then Roe itself left some room for the states to decide whether unborn children are people, and Alabama has clearly and unequivocally answered “yes.” Finally, they reminded the Court that many families in Alabama would be willing to adopt the babies whose lives would be saved if this law were upheld.
Foundation President Kayla Moore said, “Unborn children are made in the image of God and have the right to life, just like every other human being. Over 60 million people have died through abortion since Roe v. Wade. It is time for the Supreme Court to end the abortion holocaust that it began.”
Matt Clark, the Foundation attorney who submitted the brief, also said, “As far as we can tell, this is the first time that the Supreme Court has been asked in a legal proceeding to overrule Roe since Justice Kavanaugh was confirmed.” Clark added, “We hope that the five conservative justices will finally do the right thing and overrule Roe.”
The Foundation is a non-profit legal organization based in Montgomery, Alabama, devoted to the defense of religious liberty and promoting a strict interpretation of the Constitution as intended by its Framers.
Amen, and Amen.
Pray for success for this effort, friends.