No Concept of Time - a real life conversation with my husband

in #funny7 years ago

This has been an issue my entire life.
I have no concept of time.
I never have.
I never will.

It is what it is.


I have calendars, watches and clocks galore. I'm pretty fascinated by the tools in which we keep track of those concepts of time. I've never purposefully thrown out a clock or a watch because I feel like I'm literally throwing away time - and I hate doing that! At one point I had a hell of a watch collection. Sadly, I think the bulk of it was lost during a move.

My husband came home from work the other day.
He's pretty consistent like that. He goes to work. He works. He comes home.
So when he walked in I was like, "Oh, hi, honey. How was your day?"
Surely nine hours have come and gone. It was so good to see him walk through the door.
His timing was perfect because I needed a coffee refill.

He gave me the funniest look. "Uh... You know I was only gone for like 3 hours, right?"

I just looked at him over the rim of my glasses and blinked a few times. Empty coffee cup in hand. No words necessary.

"Do you even know what day it is?" he asked as he topped me off. Ahhh.... nectar of the gods that coffee!

"Yeah, it's DAY."

"No, what day day it is."
"It's a day that ends in 'day'?"


"Are you serious?" He then proceeded to walk to the calendar and point to a box. "Do you really not know what day it is? I marked it on the calendar for you."

I glanced at the box then back at him. "Is that accurate?" I asked. "You could have missed a day."

Shaking his head he threw his hands in the air and said, "How can you really not know what day it is?!"

A moment later he tried a different approach.

"Okay. When's the last time you took a shower?"

I looked down at my coffee and egg-stained t-shirt and tried really hard to remember how many days I'd worn it.

"It's been at least two," he answered for me.

Oh good, I thought. If he'd said 3 or 4 days I might have been forced to shower but then I figured I was still in the reasonably presentable zone as I had yet to smell pickle pits.


"Do I look greasy?" I asked, not that I really cared. This was small talk after all.

"You're the prettiest woman in Brooksville," he answered.

That is NOT a compliment, husband!


"Can you tell me what time it is?" he asked.

"Sure. It's now."
I don't think he was amused.

"You know you have a clock on your computer, right?"

"I do, don't I? You know, I never really look at it?"

Shaking his head I could see he'd given up on showing me any concept of time. "I really need to get you out of the house," he muttered as he reached for a beer in the fridge.

"No way," I answered. "Then I'll have to put on a bra."

"I give up."

Good man.

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In my case it is other way around @merej99. My wife is very strict on time but very cooperative like your life mate. I don't like to be bound by the time either or any other kind of bound. I did a little research and found out that you are living closer to your soul and away from material world and soul has no boundaries and no constraints. Its FREE.

You have a very nice Life Partner, though!!

I love that thought and completely agree. I'm bound by no man's clock unless I choose to have a deadline. I'm not so stressed out that way. :D

Let me go a step further then you might be very sensitive, kind, content and calm! Am I right?

You are exactly right! LOL

You are BLESSED! I am so proud that I know you :))

Very entertaining conversation. Won't expect it to have gone on this way.
What time did you post this? :-) just kidding.

What time did you post this? :-) just kidding.

Haha, good one! :D

I don't know, but it was dark. LOL Hubby and I have conversations like this a lot.

"No way," I answered. "Then I'll have to put on a bra."


The bra dilemma is a real thing. LOL Glad I'm not the only one. :P

I've given up on them altogether, they are horrible little things!

I was hoping to get to read something of yours soon. I hadn't seen you since I arrived. My husband reminds me of you. I am always on time and on schedule. My husband hates schedules, is always late, and needs me to remind him of the time. I have to hound him to put on pants. He walks around in his boxers. He goes outside and grills in his boxers. Putting on pants is just too much work.

Oh, I have no pants moments too. It's one of the hazards of living in Florida, I suppose.
Strangely, when I was younger (college, early parenthood, corporate job) I was on time or 20 minutes early to everything. I'm a lot more laid back now. I work from home and put in 12-18 hour days in front of my computer sometimes. Thankfully I enjoy what I do and time keeps ticking by.

Hahaha!! Pickle pits

I snorfled!!! My missus has a milder version of the same affliction!!

It can be a terrible thing sometimes. I think my only true fear is my rear end taking the shape of my chair. lol

That wouldn't be so bad? You would always have A place to sit!!! :0D

The frontage can already be used as a flotation device. If the backside could also float I might drown.

Look at me! I'm a buoy. :P

Hehe, oh clever clever!! A buoy!!

Excellent post, still chuckling after that one. I can relate, except the undergarment thing, though more than understandable. Thanks for sharing a most entertaining view of your world. (Not sure I've ever smelled picklepits....but probably would know if I did.) Have a good what's left of the night.

LOL - pickle pits are definitely real. And so are stinky dogs that smell like Doritos.
Now if someone said I smelled like Limburger cheese, please call OSHA and Hazmat. I could be toxic at that point.

I have a husband like you!!!

Hubby and I have known each other for 30 years. You'd think he'd know me better by now. hahaha

28 years here, and I am still astounded by the lack of a concept of time. I can understand your husband. But we agree on the stay at home and no bra thing!

I laughed so hard reading this! I can see your egg stained shirt now. So happy you made a post.

A day in the life. LOL I don't think I could make this shit up if I tried!


I feel you. I get in trouble ALL the "time" because time just flies right by me...



I have missed you @creatr
It feels just like yesterday...only that could have been weeks or months ago!
How have you been? I feel like I've missed so much.

Busy, frustrated, struggling to survive, wishing the Steemit developers would let me EDIT posts as was promised would be the case with HF17, trying and failing to get around to all my friends' Steemit blogs in a timely fashion, wishing I could afford a VIVA crown, writing, wishing I had more time to write, writing anyway, worrying, dreaming.......

Oh, and trying to promote my fine product...

You know, Meredith, the usual... I'm glad I spotted your post appear in my feed... :D

How have you been, dear? I will be stopping by your blog now to find out! :D

@creatr - as soon as I figure out a way to fairly distribute the benefits & responsibilities of a VIVA Crown, I have one earmarked to crowdfund. My initial thought it to use the Award Right of that Crown and equally distribute it among the partners with hopes that it will be enough to cover the purchase of your own Crown. Would you be receptive to something like that? Distribution would more than likely happen around November - just in time for the holidays.

I would certainly look at any opportunities and listen to any offers. If it's something I could buy into with Steem, that would make it more likely. :) Thanks for the heads up. :D

My biggest challenge these days is that I'm in "marketing bootcamp." I have a lovely product that has been saving lives, but I am struggling like the dickens to figure out how to effectively get the word out about it... :D

Get on FB & Twitter. Have some memes, links to videos, testimonials, links to your site, links to blog posts about your product - basically any content that you can repurpose - and try to automate them (IFTTT, socialjukebox, etc.)

It's not enough to say "This can save lives." For people to connect with it you need to humanize the product. With promotional things you have to message it out as if you're talking with someone - not talking AT them.

Thanks for your thoughts on this. :)

Yeah, that's what I thought! This IS the first thing you've posted in ages!!! :O

I hope all's well?

LOL - I totally love this conversation!!! Haha! You are a show, Meredith!!!

"Can you tell me what time it is?" he asked.
"Sure. It's now."

I'm just trying to imagine your husband's face during the dialogue. Hilarious! Resteemed. Best Monday start ever :-)))

He has a very expressive face. I love the look of confusion he has when trying to figure out if I'm serious or messing with him. lol

LOL!!! You are simply great :-)))
I'd love to meet you in person one day!

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