STEEMCHURCH: The Power of the Phrase "God's Time is Perfect"

in #steemchurch6 years ago
The theme that I share today with all my brothers in @Steemchurch. It's a phrase that maybe you, like me, have heard a lot.

"God's time is Perfect".


God has been my guide in my life, he cultivates my steps, my faith and my spirituality. But I wanted to decipher the power of that phrase and know its meaning and know if we use it correctly!.

I can not deny that that phrase gave me a little doubt, since I have heard it said many times by people who are experiencing positive things in their lives. As:
• When a person graduates.
• When a person achieves a proposed goal.
• When you are promoted to a job.
• When they get married.
• When they buy a house, a car, etc.
• When you are given something expected in life.

I wonder if we should use the phrase only on POSITIVE occasions?.

So I encouraged myself and started asking several people, including family and friends; What was the meaning of the phrase for them? "God's time is perfect" I got answers like: We should not force things, God is the only one who knows why things happen. Everything that happens has a reason. It is better that everything happens naturally.

I also heard people tell me very beautiful stories and others a little sad. But even so they never showed me that they doubted God and that he is the only one who has control over why things happen and that we should not blame God.

  1. Four years ago, as a result of an illness, Mrs. Ingrid lost her daughter. In the country, Venezuela had not yet discovered this disease, so doctors did not know how to cure it, experimenting with the 10-year-old girl, injuring her organs and, after 2 months of hospitalization, her son died. For her husband and family, it was devastating, anger, hatred towards doctors and many questions for God went through her head after what happened, but as the days go by, she tells me that God gave her the strength to get up and accept that his daughter had gone to a better world, where there was no pain but only happiness, I accept that God is the only one who has control of things, and with a smile he said: May God manage the moment of his life !

  2. Mr. José and his wife were already giving up and had thought until they separated, he told me that they had been married for 6 years and that they had gone to more than 5 doctors and had carried out several treatments, but none of them had allowed his wife to become pregnant. In a chain of prayer to those who were invited by their neighbors, the two asked that God take care of their life and that they did the miracle and that was it, a few months later, their desire to have a child and be parents was fulfilled , today have a beautiful daughter of 4 years. And he confirms me by saying that God's time is perfect, we never doubt God, he listened to us and helped us.

Peter 3: 8-9. For the Lord, one day is like a thousand years and a thousand years are like a day. Actually, it is not that the Lord is slow to fulfill his promise, as some think. On the contrary, he is patient for love of you.


Of the people who interviewed, I learned that we must accept what happens in our lives whether they are good or bad. Still trusting God.

And that good or bad situations; they help us to grow as human beings, to mature, to reflect and that our faith for God continues to grow infinitely. Since everything happens for something. And that we must continue to nourish our soul with the word of God.

We do not know the day, the time or the year until we will be in earthly life, that is why every day, when we get up, a better person, values ​​life; allow God to take total control of your life, I assure you that the results please you. When we are no longer in earthly life we ​​will not take anything material, we can only carry in our suitcase our memories and shared experiences with friends and family, they will remain in the hearts of people who know us.

Do not waste your time and your life, hurting your brother, love and love others, help without expecting anything in return. Our life is more beautiful if we have God in our being and we are his example before life. God bless us always Amen

Now more than ever this phrase has great value in my life.

The Bible reminds us on different occasions that there is a time for everything and that God is the only owner of that time. Things happen in the perfect time of God, not before or after.


Although we do not know what we are going to experience every day in life, we must live one day at a time:

• I invite you to love God above all things.
• Smile.
• Thank and bless God for the sun, the air we breathe, the water, the food, etc.
• Learn from the good and bad things that happen to us.
• Never deny God.
• To value our life.
• Love and not hate.
• And let God take charge of your life time. Amen
• And always bear in mind that the glory of everything that does not happen to us is only for God.

Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8. Everything has its time, and everything that is wanted under heaven has its time.
Time to be born and time to die; planting time and time to start sowing; time to kill and time to heal; a time to destroy and a time to build; It's time to cry, and it's time to laugh; time to lament, and time to dance; the time to scatter stones, {{and the time to gather stones; time to embrace, and time to abstain from embracing; time to search and time to lose; time to stay, and time to throw away; time to break, and time to sew; time to be silent, and time to speak; time to love and time to hate; time of war and time of peace.



Excellent message @merggie the time of God comes from the time Kairos to the time Chronos.It is important to know or discern the times of God. because there is a permissive will and a perfect will for our lives.

We all in all have dreams, well ordered, we fight for the longings of our heart; Some people are unstable and don't want to delay. We ought to expect that the goal of the season of some individual who abhorrences to hold up is to buy an auto, resulting to locking in and gathering the money required for the auto he had constantly needed, he goes to the dealership and they give him a casing that he ought to round out. over the traverse of that week they are calling to light up you.When we don't delay, we demonstrate our little FAITH. Comprehend that when we have Faith in God we don't have issues of that nature as we pay special mind to Him.

God has his own sense of timing: ‘With the Lord one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day’ (2 Peter 3:8, AMP). He has perfect timing: never early, never late. God is never in a hurry, but he is always on time.

Your mind should be directed towards the right part by doing his will and what he commanded
Direct your self towards the part of his heart.
The things which you think you have list will actually be recovered by His mercies.
His deaths has given us grace and salvation .
Nothing else is suppose to cross our minds as should be ready to forgive those who have sinned us because that's the stand in his paths to make heaven.
His is love and he is everything we need as his people to inherit his enternal kingdom and glory at the last day for only those who trust in him.
Committing our selves onto the lord is very important because for everybody who has given his or her life to him would always be controlled by his will and powers .
God created us and put a unique thing in our life.
He has plan for us wheather in a good or bad situation .
He made a real time design for us all .
His blessings are only for those who truely believe in him and do his will and that are the people who he will always have reserve for .
For the great thing he made is always perfect and fits we all that trust in him

God has his own sense of timing: ‘With the Lord one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day’ (2 Peter 3:8, AMP). He has perfect timing: never early, never late. God is never in a hurry, but he is always on time.

"Many pains will be for the wicked; more to the one who waits in Jehovah surrounds him the mercy of God ".

Waiting is a word that you have surely heard, but WAITING FOR GOD'S TIME Do you know what it means?

We all have dreams, day by day, we fight for the longings of our heart; Some people are impatient and do not like to wait. Let's suppose that the goal of the year of someone who does not like to wait is to buy a car, after working hard and collecting the money required for the car of his dreams, he goes to the dealership and they give him a form that he must fill out. in the course of that week they are calling to inform you.
When we do not wait, we manifest our little FAITH. It is very important to understand that when we have Faith in God we do not have problems of that nature as we wait on Him. In the letter to Hebrews 11: 1 the apostle Paul describes Faith as "The certainty of what is expected in the conviction of what is expected. that you do not see. "

When we give our lives to God, we make the decision to trust Him eternally, why anguish?

Read Psalm 37: 3 - 5 "Delight yourself in Jehovah, and He will grant you the requests of your heart. Commit your way to Jehovah, and trust in Him and He will do. "

Give your life to God, trust in Him, since before your gestation God has set his sights on you, if you are reading this is not chance, everything has been a purpose of God, He wants to bless you with the best, He knows your wishes and longings, the good, the bad, the deepest of your thoughts.


God's time is and always will be the best.
He is no subject to time, instead he controls it and make his will happen at the right time for his children.

God's opportunity is and dependably will be the best.

He is no subject to time, rather he controls it and influence his will to occur at the ideal time for his kids.

God is always perfect,his ways are not our ways and he does not make mistakes,he knows the end from the beginning,he is the beginning and the end,so we need to walk by faith and not by sight.

We as a whole have dreams, step by step, we battle for the longings of our heart; Some individuals are fretful and don't prefer to pause. We should assume that the objective of the time of somebody who dislikes to hold up is to purchase an auto, subsequent to buckling down and gathering the cash required for the auto he had always wanted, he goes to the dealership and they give him a frame that he should round out. over the span of that week they are calling to illuminate you.

When we don't pause, we show our little FAITH. It is imperative to comprehend that when we have Faith in God we don't have issues of that nature as we look out for Him. In the letter to Hebrews 11: 1 the witness Paul depicts Faith as "The assurance of what is normal in the conviction of what is normal. that you don't see. "

When we give our lives to God, we settle on the choice to believe Him unceasingly, why anguish?

Read Psalm 37: 3 - 5 "Joy yourself in Jehovah, and He will allow you the solicitations of your heart. Submit your approach to Jehovah, and trust in Him and He will do. "

Give your life to God, confide in Him, since before your growth God has set his sights on you, in the event that you are perusing this isn't risk, everything has been a reason for God, He needs to favor you with the best, He knows your desires and longings, the great, the awful, the most profound of your considerations.

Brilliant message @mergie the season of God originates from the time Kairos to the time Chronos.It is vital to know or observe the seasons of God. since there is a lenient will and an impeccable will for our lives.

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