---- Keto Cloud Bread Steak Sandwiches ----steemCreated with Sketch.

in #health6 years ago


About a month ago I successfully made cloud bread for the first time, link to my article testing out that recipe here.

While it came out well, I though it could be refined a bit more to my tastes and add some more flavor... it was a bit bland.

This time round i have added a bit more salt and some new ingredients including a pinch of various herbs such as oregano, parsley, but i think the most impactful ingredient was the garlic powder, again not much just a pinch.

I'm still experimenting as I'm uncertain if any of this will effect the structural outcome of the cloud bread, but it seems pretty good, in fact better.

In future i will also try some other powdered ingredients such as onion or even stock cubes.

Where it all comes together is in the final product and this is where its at... a simple sandwich comprising of steak, cheese, tomato and beetroot.

I know the beets aint full keto but im not a savage !!! you NEED beets on a steak sandwich ;)



Looks like good tucker!

certainly is :)

Wow they look great :) how was it compared to your original attempt?

And you're right, only a savage would forget beetroot!!

could use a little more refinement, but i will get there, just need a few more attempts and i think it will be on the money.

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