Jeremiah 31:3-4
From afar the LORD appeared to him, {said:} With everlasting love I have loved you, therefore I have drawn you with mercy. Again I will build you up, and you shall be rebuilt, a virgin of Israel; again you shall take your tambourines, and go out into the dances with those who amuse themselves.
He has given us a new identity, so that we may rejoice in his love and forgiveness. He simply molded us into an identity other than the one to which we are accustomed by an earthly identity that does not attract miraculous healings into our lives for a better spiritual life.
To rejoice and worship Him not only in financial abundance but also in scarcity
For his love endures even in the tempest above all things, for he has been faithful to God, and always will be. But our mind must be confident in God not in things of the world firm in Christ Jesus in his identity that nothing will affect us to take away our trust in God. We are accustomed to living with our own opinions with our humanism without asking God for an opinion we live without Christ in our heart.
He went to the cross to break with all paradigms so that we would not continue living with our own opinions and our own forces, since with it we could not overcome the attacks and temptations of the enemy, who only wants to lead us to perdition without any return. That is why he reveals his word to us and gives us a new identity that abhors the things of the enemy and defeats them without problem because together with the identity is the backing and strength of God to defend us.
Let's value God's power not to waste it and abandon it for material things of the world, let's use it as a tool to break everything that prevents you from growing in our lives, let's gosaten in God because forever is his faithfulness and love.
The identity we have in him keeps us going , for we are nothing when we don't have the word that is Christ across our hearts.