A letter to him

in #love7 years ago

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Hey there, It's raining quite heavily here. I wonder how you are doing, probably in the arms of another woman. There are many things I'd love to say but I put in writing and I hope you someday read it. This is not one of my many poetries, I write this with the blood drops from my then bleeding but now healed heart.

I miss you, the smell of your cologne and the wrapping of your arms around me. The feelings of your breath behind my neck and the tickle of your fingers across my body. Your jokes and the way your eyes dilated when you looked at me, the way it made me believe the lies you poured out to my ears.

It's a little over a while now and the thoughts of you no longer breaks me down anymore, I am indeed happy for the good times we had and the bad times? I have thrown them into the abyss of monsters so they'll never be remembered. And you remember the times you told me I couldn't be loved because of my flaws? Well I have found someone who can love me just the way I am. I am that person.

In breaking me you helped me see the shimmers of confidence and the glitters of beauty which I had inside of me. Maybe I don't have a man right now but you helped me realised I don't need one to be happy and in the right time he'll find me. For the times you made me feel less of myself? I have grown a million times stronger ever believe I worth less. The words of rejection you poured out to me are now the bricks I use to build my womanly ego and it remains unshaken.

And for the many times you made me go into a mental competition with other women I have come to realise you weren't even worth the crown of thorns. My then feeble and under confident mind had built up your undeserving ego and had you feeling like a king but you failed to understand that your throne had no use without a kingdom to rule.
I was just a young innocent girl seeking love and you thought you hurt me but you taught me the power I possessed as a woman and no man will ever make me feel low of myself like you did, never again.

I have not become someone new because of you. I have been redefined but my heart hasn't changed as I still choose to be the tender, loving girl who would ride or die whoever her heart ordained. As I tasted the pains of the flames you burnt me with, I chose never to torture anyone else with my flames. You didn't break me and you didn't make a demoness out of me, you made me seek a better quality of the immaculate garment I dress my heart in. As I have learned to breathe, I let go off the pains, anger and regret I caged my darling heart in. I wish you the best as you go on and I wish myself even better. Today I choose to fly, even without my wings, I'll still soar high into love like and an eagle going home to her eaglets.

I wrote this for every female who is trying to get over a broken heart, sometimes they leave us feeling rejected with low self esteem but when we learn to love ourselves better, we realise we are better off without the people who chose to leave us. N:B:even the guys can relate to this too.


probably in the arms of another woman.
