My Actifit Report Card: September 23 2020

in Actifit4 years ago

The last few days have been very busy, with everything from events to parties and even training .
Yesterday I was meaning to post my @actifit, but I must have been too tired as I was falling asleep early and forgot to post my @actifit before I drifted off.

Today though I managed to find some time and remembered to post my @actifit.
Today was mostly busy with work running here and there getting things done.
I did manage to go for a walk though. It was cold outside and I decided to wear a jacket again. The weather has been going from hot to cold a lot of late. But it is Spring here so it is to be expected.
On the warm days I have been going outside to enjoy the warmth of the sun.

All the trees and flowers are in bloom now and everything is looking green again from the winter rains. I may have to take some pictures for you so you can see how beautiful it is this time of year here.

I hope you all had a wonderful day !
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