10 months, 21K Posts, 900 Followers and $21K Up. Who Needs Facebook Anymore?
Days of no resteem
When I first joined Steemit in August last year @craig-grant was a dolphin and there was no resteem button. Steem was around $0.24 and there was no moon to attain. Ethereum was a young pup and Bitcoin was just under $1000. I was sick of mining and looking for something a bit different apart from Ethereum - and boy did I find it in Steemit!
Steeming on
I continued to steem on as the price plummeted to $0.06, as I knew Steemit had an excellent product - all they needed was a rabid new audience - which we are finding now as our market cap soars past the $500 million mark.
So how did I find Steemit? Well, I looked at the market caps one day and there to my surprise was a new cryptocoin called Steem - which had an app called Steemit. Steemit was almost like a super block explorer with bells and whistles on. It really looked like a fancy crypto ship to board. Not quite the Ethereum spaceship, but time would tell.
Courtesty of @jangaladesigns
Something really special
When I first logged in to Steemit I knew this platform was something special, as I seen every cryptocoin going and this was something different. I knew if I had the staying power it would come good in the end.
Fast forward to today and we've now reached that point as steem has now passed $2 a coin and our next stop is our $4 - our all time high. I can see us smashing that in the coming months.
If your new to Steemit and reading this, then the best advice I can give you it to always speak from the heart, and you'll always find an audience on here. Don't hold back and you'll know the true meaning of 'Steem on!' I wish you all the success that the platform has brought me. Thank you to all my followers for your support.
As we always say on Steemit ... "Steem on!" ....
P.S. If your reading this article from outside of Steemit and wish to sign up, then please click below (you won't regret it!):
Yes, Master!
There are no masters here @gregbit ;) The University of Steemit is always open!
Lol I know! Sometimes we all need some fun.
When the steem is high everyday is fun on Steemit - When the steem is low everyday is fun on Steemit! Ha ha!
True statement my friends. I value you and your message with you carry to us.

It looks like a @mindhunter tour t-shirt! LOL! I am touched @gregbit :) I do get about on my travels so I suppose I do tour! Ha ha! I'll let you know if I hear of anyone from the t-shirt ad ;)
I have couple extra. :-) Let me know where I can send and I will send to you.
Drop me an email to: cutiescotsman@hotmail.co.uk and I'll send you my address to get them sent out before I get home from Poland ;) Merci Monsieur!
69, soon 70 @mindhunter!
69.2 right now ... looooooooooong way to go yet @dimarss!!
you can do it
69.2 reputation foreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeever!!
you are much more patient than that :D I know it... Alesuperpower. :D German language go away!!!
long way 52 from 70 ))))
Moving through the 60s is a tough gig indeed @dimarss!!
But the finish is sweet)
Good luck on your way @mindhunter
See you at reputation 100 @dimarss :)
See you sooner @mindhunter!!!
You can not hide from us...)))
You can run, but you can't hide! LOL!
P.S. 70s must be a nightmare!!
Good job @mindhunter!
You are my example on the Steemit
Your username is my favourite Noel Gallagher song! Cool :)
Cool! I've never heard it before, imagine?
iLike @mindhunter!
I've not found the mindhunter song yet ... but I have found the book!
...now I'm scareded)))
Ha ha! I actually took my username from this book - I really enjoyed it :) Tis' a bit scary in parts though!
I really do not like the state system, they want me to stop smoking weed)) There is a misunderstanding with the authorities and me
Welcome to the anarchists den! STEEMIT!! :)
She cruelly treated him ...
Dream is not on))
She is full of waaaaaaaay to much steem! LOL!
...for me registration was calmer)))
Ha ha!
2004: Whats a Face-Book?
2020: Whats a Facebook? I Steemit!
2017: Fb folk ask: "What is blockchain?" "Duh!"
nice post :)
... <3
uhg uhg uhg hahaha
Your definitely fun to be around ... you help with the mood :)
Oh , you haven't seen anything yet🐥 did you miss me yesterday ??? My son has been sick had to work get him better and see hubby at the hospital. The purse strings are gone lol 🤑👌🏻
Holy crapballs! You've got ill bodies scattered everywhere Sheryl ... thank God for your healthy regime ... your a faithful solider indeed! Soldier/steem on woman! [P.S. Of course I missed ya yest.! Daftie!]
Aww thanks missed our chats to 😀
Sometimes you gotta take care of the business - I understand that @road2wisdom - God bless all of your household - they've got a good guide in you :)
Great article @mindhunter, do you mind sharing any numbers? In your title you say
Is it possible for you to quantify how much of that value in the platform was you buying into steem vs using the social platform and earning steem itself. Would love to hear!
I've been following you for a bit, and enjoying your posts ... Cheers!
I bought in with $250 to buy SP initially i.e a < 2% buy in - the rest was then pure brute force Steeming!
Thanks for the info @mindhunter, that's quite astounding. Your investment is certainly paying off, not only that but the investment has been a social one which I'm sure has been rewarding!
#bruteforce-britt-the-ish :)
Haha, I like it :)
You know what you need to do now ... if you need any help just shout OK ;)
go to his wallet and look for yourself..
nothing is hidden on the BlockChain.
Thanks @everittdmickey. Mind explaining to me how his wallet shows what he's purchased vs what he's earned being social? Because I don't see it.
I'm also very much aware of the wallet ... I wrote this post yesterday Trending Club - How much $$ does it take?
well that requires a different app.

go to steemwhales
this is mine...
I haven't bought ANYTHING.
just posted..
High quality article . Proud of you 😎😎🙂
Thank you my faithful friend @freshstuff :)
Awesomeness! We really DO have something unique here... I ended up here "by accident" (on the way to VivaCoin) myself, and somehow ended up never leaving. Truth be known, I didn't even know there were crypto coins other than Bitcoin and Ethereum (the latter only because a friend worked on it)... and yet, here I am, four months later.
I think the coolest thing about this platform is that you really don't need to spend your time trying to figure out "what's popular;" you can just write (or "contribute") from the heart and things will work out... with some patience and persistence.
Steem on!
The fates were very kind to you indeed @denmarkguy - within around 15 minutes arrival on this site I knew we had a genius of a baby here. She's growing up real well now :)
learn from the great!
The world is yours here @gaybeooh ... just don't run out of batteries ;)
good man
I knew ZIP, zero, nadda, zilch about crypto when I signed on in august
it was just something to do.
I live online pretty much and I was damn tired of FaceBook.
so I moved here..
the rest is history.
I'm was lucky - I knew everything about crypto before I arrived. It gave me the gift to perceive that this baby was really something special :)
that said..
IF...I felt a wild urge to diversify..
what do you think of Ethereum, LiteCoin, in addittion to Steem and Bitcoin?
I'm on 4 coins top heavy right now: Steem, Bitcoin, Golem and Ethereum :)
is it worth while?
Golem is different from Golos?
can I change bitcoin to either of them on Bittrex?
VERY DIFFERENT! Golos is a the Russian version of Steemit, and Golem is the new supercomputer on the blockchain! You can buy Golem on these markets: