
Asshole... ehm sorry criminal... anyway I keep protesting :D

This is for you dish and today I have send my pizza guys a bit early I have German lesson from 14 till 18, pray for me. :D :D

Morning Ale, off for a looko :)

Since I've started on steemit, I haven't really been on fbook much at all. This is the place to be.

That first sentence is the best I've heard all day :)

Do what I say and not what I do!

Yes Mr Hawaiian Island!

What you get mad if I bought Facebook Stocks Right Now? lol

I find it funny how liberals love this dude. All he does is collect their data. Just the other day, I was buying Pringles at target and oringle ads pppped in my news feed.

Ha ha! Nice one @sumerianprince :)

Damn true. They knows whatever we have in facebook even private messages and most of the users are unaware of this. Even the nude photos of themselves that they are sending to someone lol.

You can't beat a bit of fb pm NSFW :)

ke hana kuteupu awak kah peugah

Nice post! Unfortunately FB has gotten into the daily life of so many people that it is hard to extract completely, much of the social activities are now booked there and if you miss that information you are out...

It's like extraction from The Matrix ... it's very difficult on people!

All are the