
Wow, that came from a 4mp? That's awesome.

Another Steemer told me to grab one of these and I was blown away by it! Get one on eBay now!

Beautiful picture

More Scottish pics in the future @monalishabiswas :)

I have followed you
please follow me

Nice pic!

Good morning @pald :)

Nice moment.

Lots more of those moments to come.

That's beautiful :) And this also confirmed that I'm rubbish with my DSLR ;)

It's all just practice Alex - take a photo every single day :)

Thanks, I shall start taking photos more often :)

nice one :) love the fire sky!!

What a coincidence we were near Dornoch last weekend. We went to a wedding at the Falls of Shin. Had a really good time, couldn't hear a word they were saying at the ceremony though, the water was far too loud.

Lovely part of the world Adam ... BTW I need to get over for a look at your Weegie post noo! ;)

It sure is that. The beach at Embo, just down the road, is absolutely gorgeous.

Fully agreed on that one my friend :)