G'day @mindhunter,
Hope you don't mind me revisiting this old post...
Not sure if you have found it yet, but this website https://anders.com/blockchain/ is a great demo of blockchain.
The video explains blockchain very well using all the screens that are on the site that you can play with.
Sounds like a great product if there's one!
I'm currently rendering on Golem (the dencentralized supercomputer) using the Ethereum testnet. Thanks for passing by my old friend :)
& a big Steem on to you too!
@hammaraxx my old blockchain friend! Steem on!!
G'day @mindhunter,
Hope you don't mind me revisiting this old post...
Not sure if you have found it yet, but this website https://anders.com/blockchain/ is a great demo of blockchain.
The video explains blockchain very well using all the screens that are on the site that you can play with.