The G20 leaders should harness the power of green energy to change the future.

in #politics8 years ago

Paris climate agreement

Since the Paris climate agreement, there has been a noticeable shift in focus towards the business opportunities that exist if appropriate action is taken and the right policy support is in place.

Global acquisitions in clean energy have already broken the $100bn (£77.5bn) level. India has announced that it plans to switch to 100pc electric vehicles by 2030, while the government of Emmanuel Macron, France’s new president, has recently stopped granting licences for any new oil and gas exploration. Meanwhile, the European Commission’s High-Level Expert Group on Sustainable Finance (of which CISL is a member) is focused on leveraging opportunities for green finance by determining how to integrate sustainability into the bloc’s rules for the financial sector.

G20 Hamburg

Green bonds

The issuance of green bonds doubled in 2016, and it looks set to break another record this year. Investors are actively assessing the mechanisms needed to spur green financing, including clearer long-term mandates to asset managers and more robust reporting toolkits, which can measure investment impact. In short, the emerging opportunities for finance to drive the scale and direction of reforms being discussed at the G20 Summit this year are profound.

And they will only continue to grow as the potential for bigger, better data is harnessed to inform the way environmental risks are analysed and to create a better alignment with the more traditional financial-risk tools that are already routinely used throughout the system.



Its too bad usa is still so focused on oil :(

that's actually a good thing.
Most of the green energy won't work...when they flop ya'll come begging at our door.

No argument from me on that one @cyberblock!

Push is coming to shove for a few nations though... Pulling out of the agreement as well as general disorganisation among other nations is slowing progress. I have faith all will end well though :)

Otherwise we are all destroyed...

I'm with you Harry - I think all of this will come out in the wash.

If it's sustainable why does it need government subsidy?

Good question Everitt!

Gotta love Journalists...
The future hasn't happened can it be changed?

It's worse than 1984's doublespeak!

“If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourself.”

this sound great , the future looks friendly indeed !! We are thinking about putting in solar power later after we build our little house ! Here in Canada its a task with all the snow , but they are getting better and more economical to buy as the years go by ! Great post , im for all this stuff , and to find the right thing to invest in is also a delema as there's more and more stuff all the time ! Thanks for sharing @mindhunter !
on another note , my sons just joined steemit , if you get a chance please welcome them ! My youngest son Matt is 27 and is now following you , he's at @mmckersie ! And Gavin is 30 now and is at @gavinthegreat ! They have not even done introduction posts yet , just joined today and yesterday , but have already posted some stuff ! Thanks a bunch for supporting , your awesome !! 👍👍👍

Thanks for introducing me to your new boys! I promise to check em' out!! :)

awesome thanks ! Loved your post ! 👍👍👍

Thanks Karen - I gave a hunter shout out to both your boys too :) #hunterdone!

Awesome ! Thanks so much for the continued support , we are just one big happy family here at steemit !! 👍👍👍

They got it so easy on here those young pups!!

Way easier now then when we started !!! LOL! 👍👍👍

Good luck to them both - feed em' some Steem for their birthday mama!! Ha ha! :))