minnow sanu m r suumarr at aynar se se laray ya par par . koy hparsar koy m lup par nell ႕ . ayahkarr gmail aytya nell ႕ htap mahk it par nell ႕ posoe par tay . at aynar se laray ya parpar report tak ayp par may . ayaarkk link kay tarBottracker sanu nany ayl par . at aynar lellay l lar sell mo ႕ lo aap tar rwi rang ayhtark ya pya k parb .
Comedy Small Text
By name
In front of a clothing store in a honeycomb with a
How about '' cloths, '' asked the woman
'' How about my brother only brother.
Of course I can sell for money '
Then မျိိုး '' do not do that, and now I am very sick
Agree to a friend to borrow ten thousand silver knocked out အားနာတာနဲ့
I do not. He does not come. Yes, I am sure friend သိသိကြီးနဲ့ gone twenty အားနာတာနဲ့ here.
So, the image can sell expensive '
If I tell a woman
'' Brother, my brother, I'm losing money now
Whose father of five children, you know '
Award award award