Bellas Rosas Rojas/Beautiful Red Roses

in #photography5 years ago
Las flores forman parte importante de la magia de nuestra amada naturaleza, de la creación divina. Todo esto y más son los regalos que tenemos a nuestra disposición para disfrutar, para conectarnos con la naturaleza, para sentir la paz y tranquilidad que requerimos en algún momento.

Flowers are an important part of the magic of our beloved nature, of divine creation. All this and more are the gifts that we have at our disposal to enjoy, to connect with nature, to feel the peace and tranquility that we require at some point.

Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!
Settings: ISO-100, F/3.3, TV 1/500

Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!
Settings: ISO-100, F/3.3, TV 1/500

Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!
Settings: ISO-100, F/9.4, TV 1/180

Thanks for watching my post.

Camera: Digital Samsung PL120
Lens: 4.7-23.5mm/1:3.3-5.9/26mm
Location: Venezuela
by: @mirla33