RE: STACH Short Story Contest #20: Valentine Special- 199 words, a lovely prize pool, everyone wins!
Love makes you vulnerable, it's like giving someone the license to do with your heart whatever they deem fit. I never really believed in the thing called love, this made my life less complicated. But nobody plans to fall, it just happens. I fell for Chuka like a stack of dominoes. So sweet he was, I couldn't just resist him. Every moment with him was amazing. Valentine brought with it a romantic spirit, which possessed Chuka. He made me feel so special like I was the only girl in the world. For everything he made me feel, I was going to give him a special present.
That day, he took me to places I've never been to, he treated me to the best of cuisines, and the music was lovely.
We retired home that evening, and I gave him something I've never given anyone, the gift was given in love.
Looking back now, I wished I hadn't given it to him, I'd have kept it back. Something that valuable shouldn't have been given to the dog of a man, but the love of the moment made me lose my virginity. After that Valentine, I'd never been the same.

@missfaith life continues. Just let go, There're better guys out there
yeah, thanks
love is beautiful hun, you just met the wrong partner.
Never gift something that valuable to a guy, no matter how much you love him.
I've learnt my lesson, thanks
when in love, people do stupid things. love makes you blind to your stupidity.
yeah, right
Love, love, love. I don't think I'd be able to fall in love again. It's just so fake and selfish. You shouldn't have been through blind.
Love cost nothing, but what we pay emotionally is massive.
Your story is quite touching, sorry you were treated that way.
love sucks at time, but we have to give it a chance
many people lose their virginity on a Valentine's Day. it's something they do for love
Story of my life. Don't worry, you'd find your true love.