Mindfulness Observing A Train Of Thoughts - Daily Inspiration
Mindfulness Observing A Train Of Thoughts. Take a two minutes and focus on this message to start your day! Get comfortable, drop your shoulders, take a deep breath, become fully present, close your eyes and listen.
Watch, listen and learn. Rather than being deep in the experience draw yourself out and assume the role of the observer. Similar to listening to a friends story. It’s easier to gain perspective, insights and understanding when you withdraw enough to be at peace and listen.
You are creating your reality and so self inquiry is vital to understanding why you are choosing the things you are. If your experiences are originating with you then you must look within to witness where they are birthing from. You cannot allow judgment to rule this place. When you do this you become stagnant.
When you are experiencing something you don’t enjoy and the emotions are rising high and your thoughts keep running we must pause. This pause opens up an opportunity for you to choose differently. You can incorporate conscious breathing. Take control of your breathing counting to four as you inhale and counting to four as you exhale. Do this five times. All of your attention should be only on your breathing. This can create a pause in your experience for you to reset.
Now after this pause, rather than stepping back into the experience on a deep emotional level I want you to observe what is happening within you in response to whatever event is taking place. I want you to detach from the experience and the consequences of it. I want you to view it as if a friend is going through this experience and not you.
You are opening space for yourself to be able to breathe and gain a deeper understanding of what is happening to you. This is where the inquiry can begin. You can ask questions and begin to gain insights into what you are experiencing and to why you are reacting the way you are. Everything that arises should be acknowledged and allowed. This process is one of the most masterful tools you have in your tool belt.
#mistysummers, #liferefinement, #awakening
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// A B O U T
I’m Misty, a Life Refinement Coach sharing knowledge and inspiration on Living A Life You L♥ve! Follow along and learn how you can do just that.
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