The image is made of own imagination and thoughts (competition 72)- Tres actitudes y un mundo paralelo -[Esp/Ing]-Three attitudes and a parallel world

in WORLD OF XPILAR5 years ago


Imagen cortesía de @xpilar, invitación a la competencia 72


Tres actitudes y un mundo paralelo [Three attitudes and a parallel world]

El portal al mundo paralelo constituía una excitante invitación a adentrarse en él, las tonalidades iridiscentes y el cinetismo inserto en ellas conducían en su dirección. Una vez iniciada la ruta era imposible regresarse. No se había visto a nadie retrocediendo ni desviándose.

[The portal to the parallel world was an exciting invitation to enter it, the iridescent shades and the kinetic inserted in them led in his direction. Once the route started it was impossible to go back. No one had been seen going back or turning.]

Los que van en esa dirección es porque quieren ir al mundo paralelo, ¿por qué habrían de desviarse o retroceder? - comentó el asistente de Neuris, un tanto perplejo por los comentarios de aquél. Ni siquiera se le había ocurrido pensar que alguien podía querer no seguir caminando hacia el portal ni tampoco que hubiese algún condicionante que impidiese el regreso. Sus acciones eran simples y directas, igual que sus pensamientos.

[Those who go in that direction are because they want to go to the parallel world, why should they deviate or go back? - Neuris's assistant commented, somewhat perplexed by his comments. It had not even occurred to him that someone might want not to continue walking towards the portal, nor that there was any condition that prevented his return. His actions were simple and direct, just like his thoughts.]

Neuris era diferente, siempre pensando; dando vueltas a las ideas que parecían retorcerse solas. Sólo estaba claro cuando Libis lo visitaba, ella paroducía en él una extraña modificación de conducta, que ninguno de los tres podía explicar.

[Neuris was different, always thinking; spinning around the ideas that seemed to twist on their own. It was only clear when Libis visited him, she parodied in him a strange behavior modification, which none of the three could explain.]

En presencia de Libis, era hiperactivo y se olvidaba de pensar; pero ella siempre prefería la simpleza de Fillis y sus cuerpos flotaban en el limbo de la estación espacial donde su energía se recargaba para la siguiente gira inter estelar. Siempre juntos, Neuris, más distante pero juntos. Habían hablado en la base de hacer rotación, pero seguían juntos, en unas insignificantes y tediosas tareas. En compañía y en soledad.

[In the presence of Libis, he was hyperactive and forgot to think; but she always preferred the simplicity of Fillis and their bodies floated in the limbo of the space station where their energy was recharged for the next interstellar tour. Always together, Neuris, more distant but together. They had talked at the base about rotating, but they were still together, on insignificant and tedious tasks. In the company and alone.]

Se le ocurrió a Libis, -¿Y si penetramos el portal?

[It occurred to Libis: "What if we go through the portal?"]

-¿Por qué?- reaccionó Phyllis. No está en las tareas.

["Why?" Fillis reacted. It is not in the tasks.]

Como un Adán inorgánico, Neuris miró a Libis y tomó la delantera en el camino hacia el mundo paralelo. Quiso comprobar su teoría y giró la cabeza para ver si lo seguían. Mejor dicho quiso hacerlo, porque una extraña fuerza le impidió mirar hacia atrás mientras su cuerpo se auto conducía aproximándose al objetivo.

[Like an inorganic Adam, Neuris looked at Libis and took the lead on the way to the parallel world. He wanted to check his theory and turned his head to see if they were following him. Rather, he wanted to do it, because a strange force prevented him from looking back as his body drove closer to the target.]

Libis lo seguía sin preocupación alguna, siguiendo sus impulsos no sintió ninguna fuerza que la represara, sólo caminó como autómata en respuesta al estímulo que la había tocado. Y Fillis desde su puesto de observación los miraba ir por el pasaje, dibujándose y desdibujándose al compás de las vibraciones cinéticas.

[Libis followed him without any concern, following her impulses she did not feel any force holding her, she only walked like an automaton in response to the stimulus that had touched her. And Fillis, from his observation post, watched them go down the passage, drawing and blurring to the beat of the kinetic vibrations.]

- Eso no está en el programa- Repitió y siguió con sus tareas.

[That is not in the program- he repeated and continued with his tasks.]


◘ Los invito a participar en esta iniciativa de @xpilar, que asocia la creatividad literaria con el arte digital, inspirando temas de gran originalidad. Para participar pulse el enlace:

◘ Los separadores de párrafos son de mi propiedad.

◘ Publicación original de @mllg





Hi @mllg. Nice story for the @xpilar contest. I have left you an upvote. Please remember to place all your blogs you want counted in the Redfish Rally in the post promo room.

I only remembered you were going to enter this contest because you commented on my entry that you would be joining. Also remember, Sunday is the last day to have all your work in the post promo room to be counted.

Thanks so much for your participation.

Thank you very much @justclickindiva,
I place some blogs in promo500, isn't there?

Yes, @mllg, they are there. Only this one was not posted there.

My note above was just a reminder so that any other Rallier who comes to your post and read the comments will see this also.

Thanks so much for your participation.

 5 years ago (edited)

thank you for great and exciting story @mllg

You're welcome.
I admire your work, @xpilar

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