10 involuntary acts that we have all done!
10 involuntary acts that we have all done!
Image obtained from: http://imagenesparapeques.com/imagenes-de-jorge-el-curioso/
10) The Hiccup:
It is an involuntary action that we have all suffered. It is a spasmodic contraction of the diaphragm, followed by sudden closure of the vocal cords and epiglottis, which causes the "hip" sound. Some scientists suggest that it is a way for infants to expel air from the stomach so they can eat much better.
mage obtained from: https://okdiario.com/curiosidades/2016/10/03/que-da-hipo-causas-423653
9) Sneezing:
It plays a key role in our immunological processes, since it protects our body from various antibodies and infections, cleansing the nose of bacteria and viruses. So it is advisable to sneeze as soon as you feel like it.
Image obtained from: http://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias/2015/06/150626_vert_fut_finde_luz_hace_estornudar_yv
8) Tears:
They are the lubricant of the eye. With each blink, the eyelids sweep the surface of the eyeball, taking away dust and harmful particles, so tears are a way to get rid of them
Image Obtained from: https://sumedico.com/sabias-que-las-lagrimas-son-fundamentales-para-los-ojos-mira-de-que-forma/
7) Hen Skin:
They are small elevations of the skin that resemble the skin of poultry, after the feathers have been plucked. That's why the name. It is a normal response to cold, because it allows to maintain a stable body temperature; It is also a normal response when we get excited.
Image Obtained from: https://ritmoromantica.pe/mundo-mujer/tips/vida-sana/piel-de-gallina-explicacion-estimulo-cuerpo-63893#1
6) Yawning:
Colloquially, it is said to help the brain to receive more oxygen. However, some studies suggest that it also has the function of keeping the body alert.
Image Obtained from: https://www.estarenarmonia.com/causas-del-bostezo-excesivo/
5) Wrinkled Skin:
When we spend a lot of time in the water, our skin tends to wrinkle to allow better contact with the surface.
Image Obtained from: https: //www.emujer.com/por-que-se-arruga-la-piel-en-el-agua/
4) Stretching:
It is very frequent when we wake up, and it is because it helps to prepare our body for some physical movement, in addition, some suggest that it increases the state of mind.
Image Obtained from: https://keifit.com/cuanto-tiempo-debe-durar-cada-estiramiento/
3) Memory loss:
It is not a disease, only that the brain erases all those traumatic memories that hurt. It can be considered a protective shield.
Image Obtained from: http://www.toucedoybogo.com/relacion-entre-la-perdida-de-dientes-y-perdida-la-memoria/
2) Eyelid tremor:
It serves as a signal to manifest excess stress, dehydration, needs and dreams. It happens, too, when you excessively consume alcohol or coffee.
Image Obtained from: https://optiinforevista.wordpress.com/2015/05/11/me-tiembla-el-ojo-que-lo-provoca/parpado20111206071508/
1) Myoclonic jerking:
It happens often at the time of going to sleep, it is a sensation of as if someone shakes your body. These shakes are that the brain misinterprets the deceleration of breathing and relaxation of the muscles as signs of death and that is why it sends other signals to shake the body and make you wake up.
Image Obtained from: https://blogs.20minutos.es/yaestaellistoquetodolosabe/has-sufrido-alguna-vez-una-mioclonia-del-sueno-o-sacudida-hipnica/