Fadilah Shalat terawih dari malam 9 sampai ke 18

in #education7 years ago


[24/5 19.41] Akbar Miswari: Fadhilah tarawih prayer on the ninth night: It is as if he worship Allah SWT as his class of worship of the Prophet SAW.
Rasulullah SAW sent by Allah SWT to the face of this earth to perfect human morality. Strong struggle in broadcasting the religion of Islam. But at the end of this age, there are humans who are not self-consciously claim to not know Islamic Shari'a, even trying to create a crazy poetry that horrend the ummah of Islam. Hopefully Allah SWT gives guidance to him.
Rasulullah SAW lovers of Allah, habibullah nickname of Allah, Al-Amin call the people of Mecca, his perfect worship. We, as servants of God who are daif, can not afford to worship like the class of the Messenger of Allah. Fadhilah tarawih prayer on this night provides an opportunity for us to worship Allah SWT as the class of worship of Rasulullah SAW. Let us use this noble opportunity, as a provision to go to the Hereafter.
[25/5 19.44] Akbar Miswari: Fadhilah tarawih prayer on the tenth night: Allah gives sustenance to him in the form of the good of the world and the hereafter.
In the holy month Ramadan is recommended to reduce work and increase worship and rest. Despite reducing the work of earning a living, but not least affected the sustenance gained. Even Allah grants abundant sustenance to the fasting ones. Let's carry out the tarawih prayer service tonight, hopefully God will grant us a blessing of sustenance.
[26/5 19.49] Akbar Miswari: Fadhilah tarawih prayer on the eleventh night: He came out of the world as he was born from his mother's belly.
[27/5 19.36] Akbar Miswari: Fadhilah tarawih prayer on the twelfth night: He comes on the Day of Resurrection with a face like a moon on a full moon night.
[28/5 19.19] Akbar Miswari: Fadhilah tarawih prayer on the thirteenth night: He came on the Day of Judgment in a state of safety from all ugliness.
[29/5 19.44] Akbar Miswari: Fadhilah tarewih prayer on the fourteenth night: The angels come while giving testimony for him, that he has performed tarawih prayer, then Allah does not menghisabnya on the Day of Judgment.
[30/5 19.25] Akbar Miswari: Fadhilah tarawih prayer on the fifteenth night: He is prayed by the angels and the bearers of the Throne and the Chair.
[31/5 20.00] Akbar Miswari: Fadhilah tarawih prayer on the sixteenth night: God implements for him the freedom to survive from hell and freedom to enter heaven.
[1/6 19.42] Akbar Miswari: Fadhilah tarawih prayer on the seventeenth night: He is rewarded as the reward of the prophets.
[2/6 19.45] Akbar Miswari: Fadhilah tarawih prayer on the eighteenth night: An angel cries out, 'O servant of Allah, Allah is pleased to you and to your father's father.' '