Achievement 1: Verification through introduction || MY INTRODUCTION POST TO STEEMIT by @mohcinhalitim

in Newcomers' Community2 months ago (edited)

Howdy Steem Community! I’m @mohcinhalitim


-Full Name: Mohcin.
-Last Name: Halitim.
-The place I'm from: I have dual citizenship because my father is from the United States and my mother is from Algeria.

Greetings from a future crypto guru and coding maestro – Mohcin Halitim's the name, and building digital dreams is my game! At 22 years old, I'm a web developer with a passion for programming that transcends the screen.
Well I have dual citizenship because my father is from the United States and my mother is from Algeria.
While I'm currently living in Algeria , a family reunion in the US awaits in just two days , because I will live there with my parents.

Family background

The youngest of three in a family of high achievers, I'm surrounded by inspiration. My parents hold successful careers in medicine and law, and my brothers are recent graduates launching their own ventures.

Educational background

Fresh out of the University of Computer Science with a degree in Software Engineering
Despite the rigors of my academic journey, my passion for software engineering never wavered. The challenges only fueled my determination to succeed in this field.

Professional background

This year marked a significant milestone for me – landing my first professional role as a developer at a telecommunications company. While I'm delighted to be contributing to this dynamic industry, I'm also eager to broaden my skillset and explore diverse opportunities within the tech landscape.

My experience with crypto

My knowledge of cryptocurrency stems from the invaluable guidance of my uncle, Michael, a highly successful figure in the crypto space.

Uncle Michael: A seasoned adventurer with a keen eye for groundbreaking technology. His forays into the world of cryptocurrency have garnered him a reputation as a shrewd strategist and a crypto whisperer – someone who seems to possess an uncanny understanding of this complex and ever-evolving market.

Through insightful guidance from Uncle Michael, a seasoned crypto expert, and my own dedicated exploration of the field, my knowledge became as it were a secret weapon. It allows me to decipher trends, participate in informed discussions, and appreciate the transformative potential of this technology.

My hobby and passion

By day, I'm a web developer, wielding code to build the digital world. But when I unwind, my creativity takes center stage. I love getting lost in the world of programming, crafting new solutions and watching ideas come to life. In quieter moments, I find myself drawn to the visual, sketching and drawing to express myself on a different canvas. And to unwind completely, there's nothing quite like picking up my guitar and letting the music flow.

-playing guitar.

-Monotony: i dont like tasks that don't require problem-solving or creativity.
-Technical Glitches: technical glitches that hinder progress can be frustrating.
-Stagnation: the reason why i dont like stagnation is the love of learning and exploring new creative things .

What sort of posts written by others im looking for

Everything related to Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, and Technology in general
Ultimately, the most valuable posts are those that are informative, well-structured, and relevant to the specific task I'm working on.

What sort of posts I'll be creating on the platform

I'm launching a comprehensive educational program focused on blockchain and cryptocurrency. This multi-season series will delve deeply into various aspects of crypto, providing a structured learning path for beginners. Following the crypto exploration, I'll transition to a programming curriculum, guiding learners from foundational concepts to professional-level expertise.

The roadmap for both courses will be as follows:

Programming Track:

-Solid Foundation: Build a strong base with 23 courses, starting from the very basics of programming.

-C++ Mastery: Learn C++, a powerful and versatile programming language, from beginner to high levels.

-Algorithm Power: Conquer algorithms, the building blocks of programming, with a leveled progression (Level 1 to 6).

-Functional Programming: Deepen your programming knowledge with C++ functional programming concepts (Level 1 to 4).

-Object-Oriented Expertise: Delve into object-oriented programming (OOP) principles, progressing from Level 1 to 6.

-Database & Data Structures: Gain proficiency in managing and manipulating data, essential for modern programming.

Crypto Track:

-From Fundamentals to Real-World Applications: Gain a comprehensive understanding of Crypto, starting from the ground up.

-Market Insights & Practical Skills: Learn from real-world industry experiences and practical techniques to navigate the Crypto market confidently.

-Sharpen Your Skills: Master valuable techniques and tricks that will make you a stronger player in the Crypto landscape.

This comprehensive course offers a structured learning path that equips you with the skills you need to succeed in both fields.

Don't Miss Out!
Stay up-to-date on the latest course content . We'll be releasing valuable information and resources regularly.

(All content is accessible and completely free on Steemit.)

How i found steemit

found steemit through a catchy TikTok video that been the initial spark, it led me to discover Steemit – a place where I can explore the world of cryptocurrency, connect with a community, and maybe even contribute my own voice to the conversation.

What i hope to accomplish here

On Steemit, I aim to become the go-to source for clear, informative crypto content, and dismantle programming misconceptions by teaching it effectively from the ground up.

Social life

My instagram

All photos were taken with my Xiaomi Redmi Note 9

Thank You
Best Regards

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.24
TRX 0.11
JST 0.029
BTC 69258.68
ETH 3673.89
USDT 1.00
SBD 3.22