Optimists Vs. Pessimists. What Should You Be?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago

There is a glass of water and this glass is half filled with water and there are two persons. One is saying that this glass is half filled and the other is saying that it is half empty.Both are right but there is the difference in point of views of both persons.One is taking it with the positive point of view while other is taking it with the Negative point of view.In other words that one person is optimist and other is pessimist.

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Optimistic Persons

This kind of persons is positive persons they always think good and batter. They plan well for future. They think that they would overcome the upcoming challenges in future.This kind of persons is progressive. They look Forward in a positive way.This Kind of persons has good health, stronger immune system and they live longer.

"Shoot For Moon...Even If You Miss you Will be among the stars"

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Pessimistic Persons

This kind of persons is negative persons they always think about bad things that going to happen in future.They make precautions for future.This kind of persons is not progressive.They always think about their bad future.They do not have the courage to meet the challenges of future.This kind of people do not enjoy good health, weaker immune system and have shorter lives.


Optimists feel happy inside.Pessimists do not feel happy inside.
They compare themselves worse than them.They compare themselves batter than them.
They are winners.They are losers.
They Become Happy From OthersThey Jealous from others.
They fall and get upThey fall and stay down.
They make commitmentsThey Make Promises.
They Learn From Mistakes.They Repeat Mistakes
They make opportunities.They search for opportunities.
Their success based on hard work.Their Success based on Luck.
They Try, Try and Try againThey Give Up.
They Take Responsibilities.They Blame Others.
They are Flexible.They are rigid.


Why We should Not Be too Much Optimistic?

We should not be too much optimistic.When A man always thinks positively and dreams big he forgets to make a planning, for something worse.In future planning, he does not make precaution for something bad.Sometimes he falls so worse that he has no way to come back.

Why We should Not Be too Much Pessimistic?

We should not also be too pessimistic.When A man always think negatively he left far behind.He does not look forward and try to survive where he is. He becomes ungrateful of God for What does he have and jealous of what do they have. Hence he left far behind the world and the world forgets him forever.

What should We be?

We should neither too optimistic nor too pessimistic. We Should stay in between these will.When are thinking positive we must think about its fall back as a backup so that you can make precautions. And While thinking negative me must think about something good in its because everything is not perfect. Everything in this universe has its drawbacks too. So Being to Optimistic and so pessimistic can make you fall. Hance Be moderate in being positive and negative.

Thanks For Reading.....



Nice post. I think I'm a decent balance between both. I look to a brighter future but I also prepare for the worst if possible. Upvoted and resteemed

Thanks For Your Appreciation!!!

I believe being pessimistic can also be beneficial. For instance in taking risks in business, one would think that the there's a possibility it would fail so he wouldn't invest everything he got on something not certain. He'll still have a back up plan. Being pessimistic can also mean being careful.

Estas equivocada porque el pesimismo te da miedo a asumir riesgos, cuando una persona es pesimista se frena y no emprende.

What are you saying?

Me refiero a lo que dijo krizia.

In some cases, maybe. They really slow down but I really believe pessimism can be beneficial at times.

Yeah.... Sometimes the situation makes you be pessimistic....

It is better to be optimistic, I will not lose anything , great post....

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