Compulsory holiday social distancing and inconvenience caused by COVID-19.

in GEMS4 years ago

Hi steemit.

  • The turnout of event and consequences of this pestilence in and around Ilorin kwara state Nigeria isn't is no joke at all.
    Here we are and the kids at home unable to go to school and learn.
    The city as at noon had very few people outside going about their normal business, most shops were closed and business seem to standstill.

  • A larger population around here are entrepreneurs and wages earners that depend on what they earn daily to eat. closing down business for this good course of not spreading a viral infection will tell on people, although a decree has not been passed for people to stay home or any case confirmed here, people are taking necessary precaution.

  • Folks will be home but on empty stomach.

  • Life seem meaningless when we can't hug ourselves, we can't be play around but have to be locked up in our homes with no social activities.

  • 😕 This is really sadening and we hope this come to an end soon.

  • To conclude this, I could see intown towards this evening that people came out ignoring the fear to see what they can do just to put today's meal on the table, the streets were more occupied and shops were open for the remaining few hours of the night..

  • Please Help save our lives Practice personal hygienes and thanks for viewing this post.

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