Seven: A Christian number?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #christianity8 years ago (edited)

Hello fellow Christians.Good morning, good afternoon and good evening.

I don't believe in numerology, but I have noticed certain reoccurring numbers in the Bible. I'm not saying they hold significant power, I just find it fascinating that the same numbers appear in different circumstances in the Holy Book. I wonder, did God find these numbers very important?

To start with number 7, here are some examples:

Bible verses concerning the number seven(ones that come from the top of my head)

  • The world was created inseven days.(Genesis 2:2)
  • God created the sun & moon, so therefore, there are seven days and nights.(Genesis 1:5 - 2:2)
  • When Joseph was imprisoned in Egypt, he interpreted the Pharaoh's dream of seven years of famine and seven years of prosperity.(Genesis 41:15-42)
  • Seven seals on the scroll, seven trumpets, seven bowls which would all destroy the world.(Revelation 6:2-Rev 8:1, Rev 8:2-10:7, Rev 16<--(1+6 =7 :D))
  • Seven angels who blow the trumpets and another seven who would pour the bowls.(Rev 6:2-Rev17)

After doing some research, the number seven appears numerous times in the Bible. It's not lucky, but God does hold some significance with it. Here are the results:

Gen 5:7 - Lev 23:40
Lev 23:41 - 1Kgs 8:65
1Kgs 11:3 - Jer 52:31
Ezek 3:15- Rev 21:9

So guys, what do you think? Please upvote, follow and resteem :)


7 is YHWH God's number for something "divinely complete(perfect)". As compared to "Earthly complete(perfect)" which is represented by the numbers 10 and 12.

Yes 7 is an important number in the bible. It is seen as completeness and holy I think.
The genealogy at the start of Matthew is split into groups of 7 too.