Okay, I tried to give the title a tougher look by adding the “Enemy” word into the equation. Well, technically a lifestyle of excuse cooking will always be a threat and an enemy to progress and development. So yeah! Today we would be finally touching some practical steps on how to defeat our Enemy.
Hi, my name is Morgan Great and this week on the “Morgan-Daily” we have been dealing with the series titled “Living Above Excuses”. I intend to use this series as a medium to share usable knowledge that would help us all defeat the Excuse making factor in our life. Thank you in advance for reading this to the end.
So very briefly, let us look at 4 effective ways of dealing with a Lifestyle of excuse making. Now I need you to get a pen and paper to jot down or you could just screenshot what you are about to learn below. Remember, I am doing this not just to earn on my posts but to assist in solving a problem majority of us face daily. So here we go;
Like I said in the previous post, the first step to solving any problem is by recognizing it. That is what doctors do right? They diagnose you before giving you medications. A problem most be known first before it can be solved.
The first step is by acknowledging your weakness and strengths. Since you have an excuse giving spirit, acknowledging you do might create the required move for you to take to solve your problem.
You could start by seeking out blog posts, audio tapes or videos that could help you solve your problem. Another cheaper and more effective way to be self-aware is by asking yourself why you keep giving excuses and jot the your reasons down. When you know what your issues are, you will find easy to begin to adjust and navigate your life to begin living above these excuses.
In my last post, I did mention that some people give excuses because of previous failure or event of mishap. It is very easy to give excuses when you’ve tried doing something before and it didn’t work out as you expected. In fact, the fastest way to give excuse, is to have a previous reason to.
When we don’t let go of the fear or past experience of failing, we let it hunt us for life and we give it the power to control our actions. The bible says something about a Lazy man who never left his house to farm while others were. When asked why we did cultivate with others, his excuse was that there was a Lion on the streets. Imagine!
To solve this issue, we must be willing to forgive ourselves or others. We must let to understand that life moves on and the fact that circumstances most time won’t repeat itself again, unless you take the exact routes taken as before.
To rule over excuses, let go! Stop pointing back to the past as a source of inspiration for excuse making but rather look into the future for the opportunities involved with whatever decision you are making.
You will surely live a life of Excuses if you don’t plan your life. Ha-ha! Sounds funny right? No, it isn’t. When there is no plan, it could mean the absence of vision and where there is no vision; excuse would really find a dwelling place.
Critical thinking and planning of an action to take or a goal to achieve is a necessary ingredient for achieving a whole lot without having series of excuses to come up with. It is easier to go to the market to get goods when you already know what you have to buy, than just picking money without any proper reasoning and visiting the market. Such fellow may end up buying unnecessary commodities and then have excuses of money shortage or something close.
If we must really live above excuses, you must be willing and ready to plan your life and activities daily, weekly, monthly and yearly. Think about this for a few seconds; if your life was well planned by you, would you still be giving the excuses you give?
I couldn't wait to type that the popular Nike motto; “Just Do It”. Honestly, if you really want to fight Excuses, Just Do It.
You see, at the end you ought to realise that excuse making is a decision and doing something without an excuse is also a decision. Excuses and Execution are both decisions and you will always have the choice in your hands to make.
If there is any activity you are supposed to be engaged with, a person to talk to, somewhere to be, a project to do, the best way to avoid giving excuses for not doing it, is by doing it. Actions will always speak louder than words, so your actions really do matter.
This point is by far my best, because you will hardly not give excuses if you do not take actions. Is there something you have to? Please just do it as soon as possible, to avoid being a slave of Lord Excuse.
I believe I have said enough about that. We have above us 4 solid ways to avoid giving excuses in 2018. I actually have 8 steps to give, so this means we would be looking at another 4 set of steps to take to conquer the power of excuses over you.
Thank you for reading this again, I can’t wait to read your contributions and suggestions. If you’ve found this series helpful, kindly upvote and resteem so more people could see this, or you could mention friends who you would love to read this. See you tomorrow.
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I particularly liked point 4 because it applies to me a lot. I procrastinate a lot and never get things done. Just do it!!! Lovely post, thank you
@dee-y over and out.
I like number 4, too. And it has a bad big brother where writing is concerned: Just FINISH it! Whilst you should obviously get rid of all your errors, you can't keep re-writing things forever and ever. At some point, you've got to press POST (or get on with publishing the material, if you're a professional writer, say). Maybe agree a time-limit with yourself???
Perfection is just an illusion that no-one ever gets close to.
You can 'worry' your writing to death but if you keep delaying publishing something, you might possibly get side-tracked and never release the thing. And then all the effort you put in will certainly be for nothing (unless you do manage to end up getting round to finishing it).