Today In Stupid - Guess Who's Fault Corona Is?

Of Course It's The Orange Man
Well it seems the entire world is super freaked out right now and in panic mode, toilet paper is literally the new gold, with people fighting each other in super markets and depleting everything on the shelf. All due to the corona virus outbreak with some series death tolls which have taken place in China where it originated and also in Italy where it has spread to. A big reason why Italy has had such a big infection rate, is most likely due to the EU not wanting to impose any border restrictions. Now compared that the Russia where there have been zero deaths because they immediately banned any entry of people from China. A hand full of other countries did the same which dramatically reduced the chance of spreading. But some countries didn't because... reason or that banning people from China where there is a massive virus outbreak, might look racist. Thanks identity politics.

"If people in the media cannot decide whether they are in the business of reporting news or manufacturing propaganda, it is all the more important that the public understand that difference, and choose their news sources accordingly." - Thomas Sowell

The American media have as per usual taken it that very step further, you know beyond the realm of logic, you know like that time the accused a setting President of being a Russian spy, and lap dog of Vladimir Putin. This time, because they absolutely have take the opposite position of whatever Trump takes, have sided on mass hysteria, all because trump said it's a tad overblown. He could call air great and the media would have you believe everyone should stop breathing. Is he saying the virus is not serious, of course not, but are things that far gone that people need to be lining up outside super markets for days and fighting old ladies for TP, probably not. Again when you take a moment to consider that so far only 19 people in the USA have died, it's a very selective hysteria compared to other far more series issues no gives a fuck about. I am in no way saying that we should be concerned about the corona virus, we should but within reason. Especially when you compare it to, more than a hundred people die and car accident every day in the US alone, and almost double that die from opioid addiction daily, in the US. In South Africa 54 people a day are murdered, and no bats an eye, globally 250k to600k people die annually of the flu, but you've probably never heard about that until now. All I'm saying is don't get took caught up in the hysteria.
"Unfortunately the global warming hysteria, as I see it, is driven by politics more than by science." - Freeman Dyson

You're either laughing or you're learning.
Join me tomorrow for more lessons on these really easy to understand concepts.

Thanks for popping in, hope you liked the post. Please leave me your thoughts and or opinions in the comments below, have a beautiful day.

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AIPAC Spread this all over the USA. To many, many politicians. Including Trump.
Are you one of the ones afraid to name those of which we do not speak? AIPAC. AIPAC. AIPAC!