in #nature7 years ago


George is a Sandhill Crane here in Florida to winter over


These birds walk the streets freely, usually in couples


Some like it so much the end up staying year round


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Hi, @mother2chicks Well, he sure is a handsome fellow. Quite awesome how many animals live freely among us. I have a small skunk family that live way back in my yard.They have been around for a while. Quite friendly. They like to hang out with my cat. This year I got to see the babies up close. They are so adorable. Love to watch them play. I bring them some healthy treats once in a while. I do not recommend people doing this without experience with wild animals.I have interacted and cared for different wild animals for my entire life. Anyway. Thank you for introducing us to George. 🙂

You are a brave soul to take on the little skunks. Funny that they play with your cat. How many babies did she have? We have never in over 10 years seen a skunk here in Florida. Nor smelled one. I am not sure why. It disturbs me. George is a spoiled big bird. Will take food right out of your hand.

Thank you for calling me brave. Although I don't really think of myself as such. I guess because I have spent my entire life being around so many kinds of animals. Seems like since the day I was born on a farm in Alabama. There have been animals at my side. And from that beginning, my connection and love for them began. The skunk had 2 babies. They are a bit older now. They mostly come out in late evening/night. Sometimes when I cannot sleep. I will go out with my cat, Penny. And while we are sitting on the porch. The entire skunk family will come waddling past us. Even the daddy. He is rather big. You know skunks do not really have much of an odor like people think. At most only have a very faint musk scent. But if you happen to own one. And this is bothersome to you. You can have the scent glands removed by a vet. And many of them do actually like a bath. And skunks only have a certain amount in which they have to spray. Is kind of like a cars gas tank. Once what little they have is used. Their bodies must work to refill their scent glands. And this can take about 24 hours to produce and refill these glands to be used for protecting themselves. So instinctively a skunk will only spray if they feel they are in real danger. Skunks are very intelligent. And have the personality of both a cat and a dog. They are quite fascinating critters. I would love to take and post some photos. But I think I may be the worst photo taker. I really need to practice. It is not ideal for George to be fed by people. But he may no longer be able to be completely wild. So, it is good if he has humans that care enough to look out for him. He may be more of a brave soul than me. 🙂

Beautiful bird. Do people feed them? Is that why the stay all year round, a continuous food supply? We have birds here that stay long term because people do feed them...

Not all of these beauties are fed. George does receive his fair share of hand outs. I am sure when mating season arrives the food won’t deter him from his job of finding the right girl.

The birds get closed to the people around,

Yes, they do. Especially when you feed them.

Handsome fellow! I didn't know they would willingly interact with people, even with food. Evidently, they're not as shy or skittish as I had believed.

Hello George welcome ;)

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