Sandhill Crane Family Out for a Stroll

in #nature8 years ago

Here in Florida each fall and winter the Sandhill Cranes make their yearly migration to the marshland and swamps. Many end up staying never returning north and some hatchlings just decide they like the warmer climate. The cranes have very distinct calls. They are beautiful birds who mate for life, they are almost always seen in pairs.

After the young hatch they are often seen walking with mom and dad. They usually have one egg, but I have seen crane parents with two. It is rare that both survive, predation usually gets one baby. Eagles are usually the cause, they are plentiful here.

I too these photos of a family out for a stroll down the driveway. What is unusual is that the mother is white! And she is banded, notice the yellow band on her leg. I have never seen a white "sandie" as they are called here.

It was quite a treat to see this amazing sight. I wish my photos had been better🐓





Just saw this now - what a lovely way to end the evening. Cranes are such magical birds. Thanks for sharing, and the photos are great 😘

They look like 3 old friends taking in the sights don't they? So many interesting critters to photograph. 🐓🐓

Just a few old ducks out for a stroll in the

They look so comfortable walking in silence. Maybe they are chatting, we just can't hear it! 🐓🐓


Always glad to have you drop by. 🐓🐓

Welcome to, I am also a new member here. I'm looking for more from you.


I enjoyed this. Thanks

Glad you enjoyed the photos. It was fun to watch them stroll along like a little family.🐓

What cuties! I remember seeing lots of these in Florida! I miss Miami!

Thanks for stopping by, they are cute. When chicks are really young they are covered in yellowish down and are all legs.🐓

Oh that is too much! I have never seen a little one.

Aren't they amazing? Strolling down the road.... 🐓

Reminds me of my family hahaha

Did you'll stroll a lot or did you all have long legs?😉🐓

hahahah silly goose lol