
I guess that you still are living in the lie of the ball earth?

Stars rotating the opposite direction in the southern hemisphere prove the earth isn't flat. It is you living in the lie.

There is a explanation for everything, but at the end of the day, the earth is flat:

So they try and explain the south celestial pole by saying... "Lines get bent with the perspective" and "its just a massive perspective warp".

In other words.. "The south celestial pole disproves our flat earth so we just going to try and gloss over it with some pseudo-scientific rubbish about warping and bendy light"

I don't know anything about the stars in the sky, I always thought that it was non-sense what the "science" told us about that..

I just look at there is no curve and a bunch of other proof of a flat earth. Furthermore the whole globe model, seems completely unrealistic to me.

The Coriolis effect is not true for instance:

You say "I just look at there is no curve" and yet you've posted 3 different balloon flights now where I've highlighted the curve for you.

As fare as I remember, then the first one you showed that it was a fish eyed lens and the next ones you showed a curve when you blow up the contrast of the pictures? I am not convinced that this is sufficient. I dont know anything for sure, but I lean towards the flat earth.

lmao it's just funny because you're foreign and the broken english makes your flat earth nonsense sound even more retarded