Photography 06: Basketball Culture Talk and Bronze Finals

in #photography6 years ago

Those who know me, know how i feel about sports and game of basketball. I love it. This is what i have grew up with, been around and enjoyed for last 20 years. For me basketball society is just another family to me and culture is part of me.

Yesterday my friends played a game for bronze in national championship. Of course i took a little road trip to pay a visit and cheer for my guys.


It's one of the worlds most popular games and is not too much far behind football or soccer, depending on where you live. Mainly because its great fun to play and is very accessible to everybody. You mainly need a hoop and a ball. Rest of it is not even that important.

I remember i started with shooting hoops behind my house on some old, not straight hoop my father made. I had a dream to become a famous player.

Who knew years later i will actually be playing in national championship as well. But that is a different story.

"If you're afraid to fail, you are probably going to fail." Kobe Bryant 

Basketball ir popular also in my country and at the moment there are happening playoff battles. My old team happened to play for bronze medals so of course i was there.


BK Ogre vs BK Jūrmala

My friends playing for my old team Ogre were ready to to extend the playoff series. They were down 0-2 in a series best of 5. Meaning if they lost the third game yesterday, they would lose bronze medals and have to stay at fourth place, which is never good.

This entry is not to report the results but to talk about basketball as such.


There is something about the game of basketball that attracts many and has lots of people hating as well. It comes with certain bad boys reputation. Depending on what kind of person you are, you might either love it or hate it.

To me basketball players and fans are one of the most fun people around. As in many sports or military, people share a special bond they cultivated when they were little and got through lots of tough times in hard training camps, tournaments and basically growing up together. This is the reason why i said it's like the second family. 

When you have 2 hour practice every working day and games on Saturday and Sunday since you are 7 - 10 years old, you spend a lot of times with your teammates, you learn from coaches and other guys in the youth leagues, they eventually become a very big part of what you do.

Even my direct family didn't ask me to show school grades as often as basketball school. They still run a policy if you have below average marks you cant play, only practice.

Alley oop play during the 4th quarter 


When you grow up you still feel tight with all the guys and you have stories to share. You still get recognized and can visit the practice facility for free. 

My country only has about 2 million citizens. It really feels like everybody knows everybody. Even kids you played against in different cities are still around. You see them on the street every now and then and say hi.

Similar situation is when you go to watch a national team play or a local championship. You are always meeting familiar faces around. 

I would say there even is a special bond with people you don't know. Because everybody has the same background, everybody knows the struggle and the game.

"It's an easy game to play but hard its hard to play good"  James Naismith , The Inventor of Basketball.

People cheering after a good play

Health and Benifits

I would like to quickly mention health factor as well since there is a lot of debate regarding this topic. Is sports, is basketball good for the health. Well, in my opinion, it depends. 

It certainly is better than to do nothing. Playing a game is just the tip of the ice-berg. You have one or two games per week but 4-6 practices a week. 

Health wise you get to be very fit and athletic. It is always a good thing. In my opinion the health problems are more connected with sports trauma. Especially like ACL tears in knees, ankle problems and bone/muscle disbalance. Myself, like most of the guys, have unbalanced body because we tend to jump of one leg more then other and we shoot with one hand not two.

I think one of the benefits nobody talks about are development of your mind. You always have to think fast and logic, and on the go. Athletes, often, have very developed brain which is proved by certain academical tests before. Not saying others are not smart, not at all, but to be good in sports you often have to think a lot. On pro-level its more about how hard you work and how much you know what to do. Talent plays less role when you get older.

As other benefits i would like to mention ability to travel. During tournaments when i was a kid i had tournaments in Sweden, Estonia, Italy, Spain. For a kid it helps to open up the eyes and grow up faster. It lets you see a vision. Compared to maybe somebody who sits in his room all day and doesn't get the chance to travel because parents cant afford it. You don't play for these kind of things.

A shot gets blocked


Unfortunately team i was supporting lost in a very tough in exciting battle. But that is sports, you learn and you come back stronger. I had friends on both teams and i am happy for those who get to hold a bronze medal around their necks.

I hope you enjoyed a tour of little basketball insight of finals and also a share of my thoughts why i really like this game. I missed out on negatives but lets stay positive. 

If this kind of topic gets recognized as interesting i will for sure use my time to tell you all about it in more detailed way.

Have a productive Thursday everybody!