in #steemchurch7 years ago (edited)


The local churches, denominations, ministries, and the prayer movement in the world cannot be separated from evangelism, spreading of GOD’S word and soul winning. Consider this: If prayer and the desire for evangelism are true, they should occur simultaneously.

Are local churches, ministries and the prayer movement in world praying for souls to be won for to Jesus Christ rather that watch them go straight to destruction? Do you pray that others find their way to Jesus Christ? Have you ever called out specific names to God each daily?


The world needs Jesus more now than ever before. Our hearts should be broken and heavy over the level of lost souls in the world. Making fun of it helps no one. Ignoring and avoiding it doesn’t make it go away.
Every believer needs to pray/intercede for others to come to faith in Jesus Christ.

Ways to Pray for Others to Come to Jesus Christ:

1. Pray for the opening of their blinded eyes.

We can’t deny the truth of the reality of what Paul mentioned in 2 Corinthians 4:4, “In their case, the god of this age has blinded the minds of the unbelievers to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.”


Only through God opening their eyes and minds to the gospel will the unsaved see and hear the wonderful news of Jesus Christ. We need to pray for them and plead to God for this to happen.
Remember, interceding for others comes with its own reward and selflessness is an excellent trait.

When people don’t know Jesus Christ...

They become blinded to the truth of their immense need for salvation. Intercessory prayer that is intentional and continuous can come as an appeal for God to remove the scales of blindness covering their eyes and help them to see themselves as God sees them: Lost and in need of a relationship with Jesus Christ.
If we know and believe God can do anything with anyone, and at any time, then we can offer up prayers for the lost souls. I have seen God answer these prayers in my own life and through the life of my church.**

2. Pray for God to engineer the circumstances in their lives so they come to the reality of their need for Christ.

Our God is Sovereign and wishing for everyone to come to Christ. He can engineer circumstances to help convince them that their number one need is spiritual, and the answer is found in Jesus Christ alone.
I believe we should and can pray like this because God wants all people to turn from their old ways, make a U-turn, and come to Him.

2 Peter 3:9 says, “The Lord does not delay his promise, as some understand delay, but is patient with you, not wanting any to perish but all to come to repentance.”
Therefore, I pray that our great and mighty Sovereign God will engineer circumstances in their lives that will show them their deep and desperate need for Jesus Christ.

3. Pray for God to send people they would grant listening ears to tell them about Jesus Christ.

As you pray for the lost souls in the world to hear about Jesus Christ and His wondrous works, be willing to tell them yourself or to make it easier, go as a group. As a matter of fact, ask God for the easy access to share the good news of Jesus Christ with them and others. You might be the “someone” that others are praying for to tell their friends or family members about Christ. Be faithful to ask God to use you to share Jesus with others. Also as God to make their hearts soft and willing to listen to you. This would make sharing the gospel a lot easier. Nevertheless, if they don’t seem like they want to listen to you, do not give up. Keep praying for them.

What God is saying to the World Today?

I don’t know all that God is saying to the world today, but one thing I am sure He is doing: He is calling everyone in this world into a personal and continual growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

May we be faithful and diligent in praying for all people of the world to see the need for Jesus Christ in their lives and come to a personal relationship with Him.


I don’t know all that God is saying to the world today, but one thing I am sure He is doing;

He is calling everyone in this world into a personal and continual growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

Warm regards


yes. so true bro. and the sooner people realise their need for Christ, the better. its one thing to accept Him; its another to keep growing. thanks

Intercessory prayer that is intentional and continuous can come as an appeal for God to remove the scales of blindness covering their eyes and help them to see themselves as God sees them



Leading peoe to the Godly way is very important , the lord has given us the grace and power to overcome all evil and yhe power to proclaim his word .
As a chrustain , if you dare see your brother who is lostbin Christ , always find way to lead him in the right direction and make sure that his life is the one directed to Christ .
The work you do on earth will always be counted for you when you have reach the judgement ground .
The life you live and how you influenced your neighbour is also a part if what you owe to answer the almighty God.
go into the world and spread the message of the lord

Our God is Sovereign and wishing for everyone to come to Christ. He can engineer circumstances to help convince them that their number one need is spiritual, and the answer is found in Jesus Christ alone.

Many have come across these circumstances but still haven't known the total solution is to come to Christ. We should also pray that God should open their eyes to see that he is the solution to every problem.

Truly written @msytiqueblinkx

It is the responsibilities of the saved to pray and intercede for the sinners that are yet to know Christ and also show them the right way without neglecting the right attitude in order to convince them of where we are leading them to.

To open their eyes, so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.
Acts 26:18 ESV

Is good to know how to pray to God especially this one you stated "May we be faithful and diligent in praying for all people of the world to see the need for Jesus Christ in their lives and come to a personal relationship with Him"

Jesus has really admonished us to pray for others just like he told Peter that if you really love me then lead my ships,i am sure God really wants all his creatures to come to him.

Lord open our eyes. That we may see the intent of your heart.

If we don't pray for the lost, we do not care for them as Jesus does.
If you care, you will pray.
Thanks for sharing

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