
in #esteem6 years ago

Muklis Puna

Di tengah perjalanan cita, aku berhenti di bahu jalan kehidupan
Jantungku berdetak hebat meretakkan pagar jiwa
Ribuan tanya menyerang pipa biru berlumut dalam saraf

Apa yang kau tunggu kawan?
Gemuruhnya terompet Israfil dari aras memecahkan gendang telinga
Atau bintang langit dicopot dari tangkainya, lalu dilempar ke wajahmu yang hina
Mungkin gunung- gunung menjulang dibongkar dari pasaknya,
Lalu diterbangkan bagai kapas di atas kepalamu
Apa lagi yang kau tunggu wahai jasad berlumur noda?
Kunci pengait bulan dan sang surya disentil dengan ujung jari Nya
Atau kolam renang raksasa muntah ke daratan memikul istana kesombongan mu
Mungkin kau ingin memanjakan bola matamu
Pada bayi-bayi prematur meloncat dari rahim ibunya tanpa persalinan
Apa lagi yang kau tunggu wahai jiwa penasaran?
Matarhari dan bulan berhamburan di atas angkasa biru
Atau merah nya mercun maha dahsyat menghancurkan jagad
Mungkin kau ingin menapaki hidup di atas hamparan bumi yang bergelombang

Apa yang kau sombongkan kawan?
Intelektual mu menepis gejala alam
Atau kekuasanmu yang melampaui batas
Mungkin perisai hidup kau jadikan pelindung

Hati-hati kawan!
Untung suku maya salah membaca zaman
Seandainya mereka benar, apa yang kau punya?
Jangan menopang langit dengan telunjuk
Kau bagian dari ciptaan Nya

Kini matahari belum menyelingkuhi aturan langit
Jika arah barat ia bermula ke mana jasad hendak kau bawa?

Kembalilah kawan!
Mari ringankan penyangga tubuh menemui panggilan- Nya
Dia selalu menggemgam jiwa dalam jarak dua jari

Lhokseumawe,.31 Maret 2018


Muklis Puna

In the middle of the journey, I stopped at the shoulder of the path of life
My heart was beating terrifyingly
Thousands of questions attacked the blue pipe mossy in the nerves

What are you waiting for my friend?
The rumble of Israfil's trumpet from the rim broke the eardrum
Or the sky star removed from the stem, then thrown into your humble face
Perhaps the towering mountains were dismantled from their pegs,
Then flown like cotton on your head

What else are you waiting for tainted bodies?
The key hooks the moon and the sun is flicked with the tip of his finger
Or a gigantic pool throwing up to the ground carrying your pride's castle
Maybe you want to spoil your eyeballs
In premature babies jumping from their mother's womb without childbirth

What else are you waiting for curiosity?
The sun and moon spilled over the blue sky
Or his red mercun terrible destroy the universe
Maybe you want to walk on a wavy earth

What are you boasting comrades?
Your intellectual dismissed the natural phenomenon
Or your excessive power
Maybe your life shield makes you a protector

Be careful comrades!
Fortunately the virtual tribe misread the times
If they were right, what do you have?
Do not support the sky with your index finger
You're part of His creation

Comrade ..
Now the sun has not kept the sky rules
If the western direction he started where you want to take the body?

Come back friends!
Let's lighten the body buffer to meet His call
He always grasps the soul within two fingers

Lhokseumawe, .31Maret 2018


kinda unde be ugai jese.

Thanks you.very much

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