Hi steemit 早上好, 洪水来了

in #cn8 years ago (edited)

Last night the EOS on the line, and many people looking forward to 5USD, or even 50 USD, the price down to 6 rmb, only in front of a few orders to sell a Good price, in the previous week, many users purchase ETH, buy EOS, today the price so cheap
昨晚上大家期待已久的EOS上线了,许多人在期待30,50,甚至50刀,可惜破发了,快跌破了6,只有前面几笔单子卖在了好价格,2017 币圈疯年,什么事都有可能发生,想想看这个EOS ICO的规模,白皮书的宣传力度,几乎带动了整个币圈的走势, 在前一周,许多用户抢ETH,购买EOS, 今天这个价格你还在等什么呢.

Talking about Poloniex, which is a no trust site, its announcement from 5:00 UCT, becomes 8:00 UCT, finally changed to 16:00 UCT, did not do the test, do not give a definite time, "STEEM deposits and withdrawals are currently estimated to resume by 16:00 UTC on July 1st."
在说说Poloniex, 这是一个没有信任的网站,它的公告从5:00 UCT, 变成了 8:00 UCT, 最后改成 16:00 UCT, 没有做好的测试,不要给出确定的时间. 未来SBD 在 P和B以及内网很快就能打平, 在这里不要浪费时间去搬砖, 前期已兑换的,算是赚了

Yesterday's heavy rain continues, the Yangtze River within 24 hours, the water level soared, has reached the high water level in 1998, many low terrain was submerged, mankind in the natural is very small
昨天的大雨今天还在继续,长江中下游在24小时内,水位爆涨,已快达到1998年的高水位,许多低地势被淹没,人类在自然大面前很缈小,有许多司机倒是挺开心,越野车很历害,结果悲剧, 请人一人一百下水推车,一起来看下



Look at the sea / 站在天桥上看大海

Close to the mountains, many places debris flow / 靠近山区,许多地方泥石流, 这是正在加固拦土墙

未来几天还是有雨,够了,太多水了 :)



so sad to see the flooding - i followed you cause i don't like poloneix either -- i hope you will like my paintings and music- David

hi there nice capture...
if you like me please visit me too
upvote my post :D

It will take a long time before I trust ever again Poloniex. Not soon.


that's good

Mother Nature, I wish everyone recovers from the disaster soon!

Land over sea! :D
I will be heading to Changde, Hunan province in late July, let's see how the weather is going to be then!

Polo remind me the days of mtgox.
Hope it will be back on track very soon.

so sad but human beings are responsible for that because we did not respect nature..