Hello @brotherdave, what you say in your post I'm very impressed because you want to take the time to learn about aceh that is rich in the earth's content, because with the fertility of the soil wants to plant something on the coral reefs palm trees fertile hudup. with your explanation on the blog, most aceh people also say something similar to what you convey, maybe some people do not know and do not want to know about the rainbow before the earthquake in aceh, in that morning I was in lhokseumaw, a city that is familiar with the nickname of Petrodollar, according to the views of other districts of the city of Aceh that this is drowned, because urban is surrounded by the sea. and some Acehnese who joined Aceh's struggle for independence from Indonesia also said the same thing that the earthquake in Aceh was an engineering, so that aceh peace did not demand independence anymore. How not a few days after the tsunami there was a foreign ship delivering aid, and in my opinion this is not separated from the gods. And I say appreciation to you who made a post about the atmosphere of aceh you quoted in] ekipedia.