Achievement 1 : Introduction through verification by @mzia

in Newcomers' Community4 years ago (edited)

Assalamoalaikum steemians! I hope you are doing well. I am so happy to be a part of this community and to be here. I want to introduce my self. My name is M. Zia. I am 19year old. I lives in Sahiwal city of Pakistan. My hobby is art. And I love book reading.


I am Student of Food Department in class of 3rd year. I have done different recipes in lab and home. e.g Apple jam, Mango juice, pizza burger etc. In this food department we read many subjects of food related.
In free time I have done art. Art is a different skill.


I am really thankful to my teacher and friend to help me for introduce in this platform.


 4 years ago 

Hi, @mzia welcome to this amazing platform. I hope you'll get to learn much from Steemit.

I have gone through your introduction, you had introduced yourself very nicely.

Kindly avoid putting steemcurators or booming in your post.

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Best of luck with this new journey.

keep steeming.


Congratulations !
You have successfully completed achievement 1 on "Verification Through Introduction". Your next task is to complete
Achievement 2 : Basic Security on Steem .

 4 years ago 

Hi, @mzia,

Your post has been supported by @sm-shagor from the Steem Greeter Team.