Everyone Is Entitled To Their Religious Beliefs

in Steem Ghana2 years ago



My beloved steemians,

I know that at times religion can come off as a very sensitive subject, especially when we don't know how our comments will affect someone we recently met. But there is an easier way to approach this. That is by making it clear that we respect everyone's religion always.

Somebody's belief is what he or she has faith in, and this differs from person to person. But this should not be what we see the first time we look at a person. If we resort to that, we are discriminating towards their beliefs and are immediately out of line.

Although a lot of people do not care, If you ask me, I will tell you to completely stay away from these sensitive topics. I say so because it is well known that you never know how someone will react from a sensitive religious remark. It is simply unpredictable.



When someone believes in a religion, they usually follow its doctrines to the letter and forgo any prior knowledge they may have had about the subject at hand. That is why it is an unpredictable field.

That is why some scholars term religion as the betrayal of common sense, simply because it doesn't follow a regular pattern. So in order to build proper friendships, we must see beyond their religious affiliations and appreciate them for who they are.

I know that sometimes we make it seem like nothing is a big deal and think that everyone is okay with silly comments. But we must realize that it can go a long way to affect someone negatively and yield an undesirable outcome.

Thank you.


Thanks for the education

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