POETRY: Life - Meaning, Madness, and the Mundane

in #poetry8 years ago (edited)


The white picket fence around my hopes and my dreams
Packaged them nicely so I could see what they mean
And now my thoughts have undressed their meaning for me
But clarity is still not a friend to believe

In ribbons and roses
One two three: Be
But I cannot be what is foreign to me
In pixels revealing
What has wanted to be
The future breathes life into my memories

The distance was walked
It was travelled and freed
It was hoped on
It was loved in
It was all but believed
The picture revealed me
To all who could see
But the picture was blurry
To the one who was me

On Sunday my best
In search of some rest
In search of some peace to endure the test
To endure the madness
Find meaning in duress
And love that is washed down with a bottle of bitterness

Now sweep it away
Under the carpet
Until I need it again
And arise once more
Into the cycle around me
Bricks, mortar, and mortgage
The mundane seeks me
Could it be that such meaning
Is hidden away?
In the little things before me
That shine light on the grey

Now sit still with me sweetly
In the hope that we will see
In the hope that the past will stop tormenting me
And the present will unfold
It's petals bestow
Such meaning and glory
Into the madness that is me 

Image Credit: Pixabay.com

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Your style and words are beautiful! Life is held always in the present moment. Just be!

Thank you for such a compliment, and for sharing your thoughts with me. And yes, the moment beckons, with it's treasure trove of life.

what those around me call madness
is the anthem I sing with the birds

I find myself in agreement with you, and therein lies true meaning, within the songs of nature.


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