togetherness brings happiness
what a beautiful peace and perfect
If each of these different colors and shapes is united
unite in peace of love and compassion
In awareness of the true truth includes
betapa indah damai dan sempurna
Jika masing-masing dari berbagai warna dan bentuk ini bersatu
bersatu dalam kedamaian cinta dan kasih sayang
Dalam kesadaran akan kebenaran sejati termasuk
we are united in love
In a rope fraternity
in the teaser by patience
wrapped in sincerity
kita bersatu dalam cinta
Dalam tali persaudaraan
di teaser oleh kesabaran
dibungkus dengan ketulusan
so wonderful togetherness and friendship
without it life feels barren and empty
full of ego and anger
begitu indahnya kebersamaan dan persahabatan
tanpanya hidup terasa tandus dan kosong
penuh ego dan kemarahan
regard #poetry togetherness to steemians
regard #WalkWithMe for @lyndsaybowes which always gives me a very beautiful view on Canada
regard #WalkWithMe for @khackett which has led me to better value tags
regard #WalkWithMe for @abunaya which leads me to the right link
thank you for your visit
please comment, i really need direction from you guys, i will appreciate every enter for me