in SteemFamily3 years ago



Did you know that this red thread, despite the distance, can wind, stretch but never break, true love is linked to this red thread, tied to your little finger, you can be married to the wrong person, you can love her a lot, but late or sooner you will realize that you will find that person, who is on the other side of your red thread, you will feel unimaginable things and the best moments of your life, even if you only live a moment, and each one follows his course, or perhaps get to be together forever ...


According to Japanese legend, it is believed that an old man who lives on the moon goes out at night to look for those souls that are predestined to be together on earth. And when he finds those souls, he ties them with a thin, fine red thread so they won't get lost.


But the most popular true legend told in the homes of the Japanese, to the youth and children is the following.
-It is believed that in ancient times, an emperor learned that a witch lived in a town in his kingdom who had the ability to see the red thread of destiny, so he sent the guards to look for her and bring her to his presence.

As soon as the witch arrived, the emperor ordered her to find the other end of her red thread that was tied to her little finger, and take it to the woman who would be his wife, the witch having no other option, I accept, and then began To follow the red thread, after searching for the other end of the red thread, I came to a market where there was a poor peasant woman, she had in her arms a months-old baby, she was selling her products.

The witch arrived where this peasant was, ordered her to stand up, and the young emperor approached her and said the witch: "your thread ends here," the emperor enraged and believing that it was a mockery of the witch, He pushed the poor peasant woman who was carrying her baby in her arms and made her fall, seizing a large wound on the little baby's forehead, so she ordered the guards to capture the witch and cut off her head.


Many years later passed, the time had already come, in which the emperor should marry and his court advised him that he should marry a daughter of a very powerful general. The emperor accepted, the time of the wedding came and when he saw for the first time, the beautiful face of his future wife, she entered the temple with a nice and beautiful dress along with a veil that covered her completely.

The emperor lifting the veil of his future wife saw her beautiful face for the first time…. She had a very peculiar scar on her forehead. This was the same scar that the emperor had made, by not seeing the fate that the witch had shown him in front of him, and it also shows us at a glance how, loves are predestined to be together for the rest of his life, no We can escape from that person who was born to love us.




It is my first publication after many years I do not know what the publication system is like now, but here I have repeated one of my publications in Spanish now in English version.

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