I AM A WITCH . I LOVE WIZARDS.... :) ( Portrait & Blog by Neha Bisht)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #art6 years ago (edited)

Pencil Portrait - "Glance" .....................Watercolour Portrait "Burning" ....

Once, a clairvoyant friend and follower of my art (I have never seen his face) posted a comment under one of my artworks. He commented, “It is your destiny to burn!” (He often gives a psychological analysis of my artwork). I jokingly commented back, “Well ! the stakes have been piling up for a long time. I can feel the heat ” . He replied with a smiley. At that time I did not understand what did he mean. I do today !

He was telling me that I am free spirited like a witch & society doesn’t like such people ! The stakes will always be piled up high !

Ah !! witches, witches, witches .
Flying on broomsticks, brewing dangerous potions.
Hunted and persecuted. Yet feared by all !!
Devil’s accomplices? Who art Thou?

I have always been fascinated by this intriguing topic of Witches.

Living far away from people, at the edge of dangerous forests. All alone, with animals and plants for company.
Beautiful and intelligent sorceresses and sirens. Luring “hapless” men to their death and doom. Casting spells. Sought by the daring. Forbidden to all !

Down the ages, beautiful, intelligent and independent women have been accused, hunted down like animals and persecuted and burnt at the stakes by the religious orders, clans and powerful men of the time. And the practice still continues in many parts of the world.

Joan of Arc was burnt at the stakes. Today she is worshipped as a saint !

So, what is this mystery called “Witches”.

I have read some texts on witches. I will not bore you with details already available on the net. I will tell you my observations.

There a few common threads I have found amongst all the women who were accused and burnt at the stakes as witches, across the cultures and across the globe.

1  - These were often women of great intelligence and awareness and were very independent. They refused to cower down to the threats of a male dominated society.

2 -  Often these were women of great beauty. Powerful men sought them. But these women, for whatever reason, refused the advances of men of power and prestige.

3 -  Many of these “witches” were gifted and blessed women. They were gifted with talents and knowledge and skills. Perhaps they had the knowledge of herbs. Or they were gifted in communicating with animals. Perhaps they understood the winds and the clouds. Or perhaps they were intuitive and clairvoyant. Is this witchcraft or talent ?

4  -  In a few cases, these were women, who inherited property and wealth but did not choose to have a man with them . The churches and the princes wanted to acquire their wealth and businesses .

Here I would like to tell you of an interesting fact. -
In Spain, a group of women got together, brewed beer and sold beer to the sailors. Their kitchen was the first beer brewery of the world. They went to ports to get their customers. The women , to attract the sailors and to stand out in the crowd, wore long, black, pointed hats. In their inns, these women were often seen with brooms. They were hardworking business women after all.
And then there was the problem of storage and rodents. So they kept cats. And they shared a beautiful emotional bond with their adorable cats.

These awesome and beautiful, independent business women were called ALE WIVES !!

The Religious Order …. (Oh! these religious orders have caused much mayhem ! ) urggggghhhh !!!))))

The Church and the Powerful Men wanted control over the beer business. They wanted the “Ale Wives” out of the scene.
Hence were born “Ugly Witches With Crooked Nose, Wearing Pointed Black Hats, Flying On Broomsticks With Cats, Brewing Dangerous Potions” !! Hmmmmm !!!

WOW ! What Imagination !!

So what is the picture that emerges ?  —

My mind deduces and draws a picture of a beautiful, intelligent, aware, courageous, talented, wise woman who dares to live by her own sceptre ! (in this case, by her own broomstick :D ) .
She dares to think and have opinions.
She refuses to cower down to a patriarchal society.
She rebels against being enslaved or oppressed by men in the garb of unequal relationships.
She dares to stand alone and say NO to a man in a man’s world !!!
She is a threat.
She is a threat to women who think that their power comes from their men, and not from within their souls.
She is a threat to the power of masculinity in a man’s world !!
Blasphemy !!
She is a WITCH ! Just like an independent thinking man is a heretic and a wizard !

The only difference is that, in a man’s world we do have Kind and Benevolent Wizards and Wise Heretics too . Such is not the case with Witches ! Witches are out and out ‘evil’ …How convenient :)

In my opinion, Witches were and are, simply women of substance who are beyond the comprehension and beyond the oppressive control of the Society of their time.

I prefer to think of a witch as Sabrina and Wendy ( accurate comic book creations)- Spirits of Freedom and Beauty and Independence.

In fact, comic book series have been very kind to witches and wizards. Their depiction is way more correct than the interpretation of mainstream society.

The witches and wizards of the dark ages are the Super Heroes of today — Avengers, Justice League, Black Widow, Poison Ivy, Dr Strange, Valkyries — are they not awesome ! 😎😊

So ladies, it is an honour and a compliment to be a Witch !!

Well ! Well! Well! I have a black dog that catches rats like a cat. I am blessed with a few talents, by the grace of God and Devil both ! And Hell, ! I think !!!
Perhaps …. I am a witch. I love wizards. 😎

Pencil Portrait “Glance” by Neha Bisht / style - expressionism

Watercolour Portrait “Burning” by Neha Bisht / Style — Expressionism

My artwork is in support of my writing, as an illustration.

I present the indigo streak of mystery & spiritualism in my “Burning” Witch, for the Saturday Indigo Colour Challenge :)

Thank you for reading and viewing :)


what an amazing writeup to go with amazing artwork! I love to read stories about witches and I knew some of your historical info here, but I didn't know about the Ale Wives!that is fascinating! Thank you @nehab! Great post!

Thank you, @beautifulbullies. I am so happy that you like my artwork and write-up. Yes Ale-wives are very interesting. Often referred to as Beer Witches :D :D

wow....... It is beautiful.

Thank you @s4s for your appreciation and support :)

You are always awesome ! Enjoyed your post !! Nice work dear Neha !!

:D :D ... Witches are entertaining ;) ... :D Glad you enjoyed the post :) Thank you for the appreciation :)

You are welcome my friend !

not only is your artwork great, the attached stories make for a compelling read! well done... a very unique take on withces ;)

Thank you, @jznsamuel . I am so happy that you like my writing and my artwork 😊 . Witches are an interesting topic 😊

thank you, @geetharao. Honoured by your comment :)

Esteem problems.. Long comments are not accepted

No problems @geetharao. I understand :) . I understand what you say and what you do not say. After all I am a Witch :D :D :D .... You are Awesome. Keep smiling :)

Beautiful work.... Even Jesus was accused of witchcraft and called a Sorcerer in the Talmud for raising the dead and healing the sick. You are in good company.

😁😁😁😁 Gives me hope ! 🍷🍷. I told you I love wizards and soccerers . I have immense faith in them 😎😊... I am aware about Jesus . 😊 Thank you, @offgridlife for the appreciation and for reassuring 😊🌹

Jesus was the greatest Sorcerer, Gnostic, Magician that ever lived. He was so in tune with the Universe that he understood that he is God. I believe that Jesus was in fact a Pantheist and understood that God (the Force) is within all things.... http://www.JesuswasaPantheist.blogspot.ca

True. Jesus was in tune with the energies of the Unverse inside him and outside him. I will definitely go through this link you shared. I am a great believer of Energy Science and Concept of the Universe as Energy Movement and Interaction. This Universe is Energy. Energy is God. Hence the Force is within us all. Everywhere, in Everything.

As always I very much Love your artwork and also I love the words and concepts/ideas/story's you paint and draw as well...

Yes I Love your witches best. It has been too easy in the past to call someone a 'witch' to manipulate the ignorance of the masses, as a tool to destroy or control...

By the way I've always loved "Wendy the good little witch" :-)

Thank you for your post!

I'm not sure if I'm responding coherently cuz I'm just awake for only about 10 minutes. :-)

6:30 in the morning here now... :-)

You spoke absolutely coherently. 😊 . Thank you for your awesome compliment and your accurate inference and review of my post. I too love Wendy ! 😊

Awesome post and I think being free spirited is the best gift ever.

I didn't know about the story of these women in Spain selling beer that is very interesting. Maybe the witch hunt was a ploy to defeat strong women and feminism?

Cool post and a lot of interesting facts as usual:)

thank you, @dandesign86 ... "Maybe the witch hunt was a ploy to defeat strong women" ... You got it right. :) The power corridors of the world do not like rebellion of a different thought. They only want zombies in their control :)

I completely agree with you !

Every day I looked into Your blog, but was not.And now joy! You wrote an interesting story and illustrated their gorgeous paintings! The portraits are awesome, you are a talented witch).

Thank you so much for looking into my blog, @rajskij-sad :) . I do not post daily. It becomes exhausting and it is a stress on all my friends who are interactive with me, like you. Witches like to keep things simple. ;) Spells are effective when cast with thought. And spells are productive when cast in controlled measures :) . Thank you so much for the appreciation. And thank you for the compliment. Being a witch gives me freedom to fly :D :D :D

I think You're right. 😊

:) :) :) .... thank you for the resteem :)

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