SEC S17W2: "Protecting children".




Hello my fellow steemians, it's good being hear and able to participate in this challenge, I will always say all the engagement are wonderful but this is so incredible, it's about our lives and our children, I will explain everything I know about it. Wish you all success.

Explain in your own words, what does Child Slavery mean and what are its most common manifestations?



Child slavery is define as the act of forcing a child to do what they don't want to do, sometimes under dangerous conditions. This present slavery is against the fundamental human rights of children and can cause damage on their physical, mental, and emotional problem on their body.

Some of the most common effect of child slavery include child labor, forced begging, child trafficking. Child labor is the most effective form of child slavery, with many of children around the world being forced to do what he or she doesn't like

Forced begging is another form of child slavery, children are forced to beg on the streets and pubic places. . These children are often down to violence.Child trafficking is also a big problem, with children being bought and sold for the purposes of forced labor, sexual exploitation, Many of these children are kidnapped.

How does forced labor impact the lives of children?



Forced labor is a serious issue that affects so many children around the world. This bad practice not only robs children of their childhood but also has lasting impacts on their physical, emotional well-being.

Children who are forced into labor do face dangerous labour. They are denied the opportunity to to education activities that are good for their development.

The physical impact of hard labor on children is insured. They are often forced to perform dangerous tasks that can result in injuries, malnutrition, and lastly death. Many children suffer from pain, fatigue, and respiratory problems Due to this work. In addition to the physical case, forced labor also takes a good emotional and mental toll on children. They may develop feelings helplessness, and hopelessness as a result of being treated as trash.

What strategies do you consider effective to eradicate forced labor in children?



Forced labor in children is a serious problem of their rights and a major concern world wild. To effectively stop this issue, some step can be put to practice.

Firstly, education plays a good role in preventing forced labor in children. By giving access to quality education for all children, they are package with knowledge and skills that can protect them from being used anyhow.

Secondly, strict enforcement of labor laws and regulations is good too. Governments must work legal frameworks to stop child labor

In other words, community engagement is the most important thing in addressing forced labor in children. By raising awareness in communities to take action, the can be handled more effectively.In conclusion, economic empowerment programs for families can help in stoping chil abuse. By providing parents with good income and opportunities,

Do you think it is essential that children have the freedom to fully develop and fulfill their dreams? Explain your answer.



It is difficult for children to have the freedom to fully grow and fulfill their dreams. Allowing children to pursue their goals helps them to grow into well-rounded individuals who are happy, and successful in the future.

When children are given the opportunity to show their talents, they are able to se what they are truly made off. This can lead to a sense of fulfillment, as well as encouraging them to work hard towards getting their dreams.

In conclusion, supporting children in getting their dreams can Impact them positively on their mental health. Education have shown that having a sense of purpose in one's pursuits can make you to go greater happiness.


Thank you all for reading my entry I really appreciate it, I hope you all leant so many things. I invite @goodybest @tripple-e @mesola to participate in this challenge..


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.


Los niños son la generación relevo hay que cuidarlos Lamentablemente los niños actualmente son obligados a realizar trabajos duros forzoso sin ningún tipo de pago privando los de su libertad y su derecho a ser felices

Thank you very much

Hello newekemini5, you have carefully outlined the tips that can be followed to stop the rate at which child labor is seen all over the world today. I see some reasons with you to make sure quality education is given to every child. Government has a role to play in stoping this case. Thanks for participating good luck.

Am really happy you read my entry

Hello @newekemini5 hope your day is going well sad kids are forced to work or suffer. We must stop this by teaching and helping. Child slavery is wrong and hurts kids in many ways. Forced labor, begging, and trafficking are common forms. We need to find ways to stop it., thanks for sharing your views wish you success 💖🤗🌸💐🌺.

Thank you friend

Hello Dear @newekemini5
Highlights the devastating effects of child slavery and forced labour. Your dedication to raising awareness and advocating for children's rights is commendable. I hope your words will inspire others to join the fight against this injustice and work to create a better future for all children.

Hola amigo @newekemini5 espero que estés muy bien tener una buena educación para los niños sería una buena opción para acabar con la esclavitud infantil así como hacer las leyes más estrictas y rigurosas para que los adultos no comentan este terrible flagelo con los niños que merecen tener una buena educación y divertirse
Le deseo mucha suerte en tu participación

Am so impressed boss

Hey, I agree with you. We have to be careful with kids, no pressure on them at all; they are our future.

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