HEADLINES: Wednesday, October 31st (Halloween) 2018 - Midterms 2018, Migrant Caravans and Military, Khashoggi, Facebook Purge Continues, Censorship, Fascism, Synagogue Shooter, Kanye West, Steeve, Modern Day Slavery, Bitcoin, Oprah and More

in #informationwar6 years ago

Triangulate the Truth! A News Aggregation service that aggregates from many different points of view. With a secondary mission of countering censorship.

Alternative Media - "Right" Leaning

Where Icebergs Go to Die
Watts Up With That
NASA satellite spots weird fire in the middle of the Atlantic
Watts Up With That
Law enforcement climate schemers get exposed by TV ads
Watts Up With That
Back to the Cretaceous! Because… CLIMATE CHANGE!
Watts Up With That
Will the Democrats claim the Indiana cliffhanger?
Are you in control of your politics?
Don’t let government drug the water supply
Is New York Going All-Blue?
City Journal
Why Wind Power Isn’t the Answer
City Journal
“Globalist” Doesn’t Mean “Jew”
City Journal
Gab Reponds To Being Deplatformed In Wake Of Synagogue Shooting: "We Are A Threat To The Media &... Silicon Valley Oligarchy"
Freedom Outpost
What The Framers Really Said About The Purpose Of Amendments To Our Constitution
Freedom Outpost
If The Synagogue Shooter Were Muslim, The Media Would Be Defending Him
Freedom Outpost
Canada Bans Adoption From Muslim Countries Because It’s Prohibited Under Sharia
Freedom Outpost
The Democrats’ never-ending meltdown
The Hagmann Report
10 Potassium-rich foods you need to include on your grocery list
Natural News
Scientists find surface-exposed water ice on the moon
Natural News
Disease, disorder, and modern-day SLAVERY heading to U.S. from Mexico, Central America and South America
Natural News
Not an aurora? New research concludes that thin ribbons of purple and white light appearing in the night sky are an entirely new celestial phenomenon
Natural News
Election FRAUD warning: Tech giants and fake news media conspiring to steal the mid-terms
Natural News
Ted Malloch: TRICK or TREAT? Democrats Promise American Horror Story if They Win in November
The Gateway Pundit
Trick or Treat: President Trump Sends Bill of $300,000 to Stormy and the Creepy Porn Lawyer in Attorney Fees
The Gateway Pundit
As Democrats’ Deceptive Smears, Illegal Caravans, and Intimidation Mobs Backfire, Will the “Satanic Left” Turn to Its Magick?
The Gateway Pundit
The Reform of the European Union: Not If, but When!
The Gateway Pundit
AMAZING VIDEO! Hospital Staff Yells, “Thank You Mr. President! Thank You, First Lady!” — “I Love You, Ivanka!”
The Gateway Pundit
MUST SEE: Midterm Election Review by “Intellectual Froglegs” is Hilarious – Get Out and Vote Red! (Video)
The Gateway Pundit
Don Lemon: “The Biggest Terror Threat in This Country Is White Men, Most of Them Radicalized on the Right” (VIDEO)
The Gateway Pundit
HUGE. Black Support for President Trump Reaches 40% a Week Before Midterm Election
The Gateway Pundit
GONE: Facebook Deletes Dozens of Conservative Pages Including: Milo, Proudboys, Gavin McInnes, And ANYONE WHO SUPPORTED PROUD BOYS!
The Gateway Pundit
Kanye West Responds To Trump And Candace Owens
Mafia Hitman Is Primary Suspect In Jailhouse Murder Of Whitey Bulger
Texas Border Residents Warned Of "Armed Civilians" Confronting Caravan; Trump Says Military Mobilized
Treasury Announces Record Debt Sale In Upcoming Refunding Auction
Turkey Says Saudis Strangled Khashoggi Immediately On Entering Consulate, Dismembered Body
Facebook Purges Proud Boys And Gavin McInnes After New York Scuffle With Antifa
Scarborough: Trump’s ‘Been Playing the Racist Card,’ ‘It’s Like Charlottesville Every Day’
‘Trump ain’t playin’: Video Shows Hundreds of Military Vehicles Being Shipped to Border
“Organized Busing Operation” Exposed, Moving Migrants Closer To US Border
Zerohedge via Infowars
I Spent 6 Hours Tweeting About 573 Instances Of Leftist Violence, Because CNN Says It Doesn’t Exist
Big League Politics via Infowars
CBS Skips Crazy Comments From Arizona Dem, Highlights GOPer Instead
Ugh: CNN's Camerota Lumps Trump with Synagogue Mass Murderer
Barbara Streisand Says She's Thinking Of Moving to Canada Because of Trump
Pence: 'We Have More Than 1,000 People Attempting to Come Into Our Country Every Day'
CNS News

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Or the Official Site Streams
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Alternative Media Section II - "Left" Leaning

Trump Blamed McGahn for Mueller Investigation
Political Wire
We Re-Watched The Iowa Fundraiser At Heart Of AG’s Trump Foundation Probe
Talking Points Memo
Trump Blasts Ryan For Bursting His Birthright Citizenship Bubble
Talking Points Memo
The GoFundMe Campaigns That Have Raised $840,000 for Christine Blasey Ford Make Me a Little Squeamish
When Can I Confront a Stranger Over How They Treat a Child?
The Long Game and Its Contradictions
The Greanville Post
Why I Remain Hopeful When Things Look Grim
The Greanville Post
Fascism on the March
The Greanville Post
Khashoggi versus 50,000 Slaughtered Yemeni Children
GlobalResearch.ca (Canada)
How Google Wipes Palestine Off the Map
GlobalResearch.ca (Canada)
Trump’s Endless Mendacity and the Dawn of American Fascism
UN, Cuba Prepare for Assembly, Hope to End Historical Blockade

Legacy Media

In Campaign Sprint, Trump's Focus On Immigration Not A Winner For All GOP Candidates
Jamal Khashoggi was strangled, body dismembered, Turkish prosecutor says
USA Today
Synagogue rampage suspect indicted as funerals continue
Fox News
Oprah Winfrey to hit campaign trail for Stacey Abrams in Georgia
The Washington Post
Candace Owens Issues Apology to Kanye West Over 'Blexit' Confusion
A new app called 'Vote With Me' lets you see the voting record and political party of every contact in your phone
For Beto O’Rourke, a Road to Victory Winds Through Rural East Texas
The New York Times
Money is pouring into Florida at the last minute as Trump and Obama battle to sway midterm voters

Steem #News

Steemit:How far does the influence of the mainstream media go? - InformationWar
Steemit:Anti-vaccine billboards warning that shots 'can kill' appear in several states
Steemit:The War on Free Speech Marches Strong in Europe
Steemit:Orphan Trains & Modern Day Slavery: The Origins of Foster Care
Steemit:EARTH & SPACE NEWS - Volcano, Hail, Flood, Coronal Hole, Nano Dust | S0 News Oct.31.2018
Steemit:Steeve Now in Public Beta: Personal Recommendations and the World Without Bidbots & Voting Trails
Steemit:How Bitcoin Changed The World 10 Years Ago
Steemit:Halloween Facts. Pumpkins, Wine, & Friends

Thank you for reading @newsagg. This is a news aggregator service for steemit. It is constructed daily by hand and does take some time. Many of us practically live on steemit now. As such we can often forget to check what is going on out there outside of steemit. This account was created as an attempt to help mitigate that some. This is experimental so the account will likely go through transitions as it is determined what is most useful to the community. Feel free to submit news tips as comments. They will likely not be looked at extensively until the next aggregation post to which they are most suited. We will try to limit the amount of these posts that we post each day to no more than 4, unless some breaking news warrants there should be more. With this account we will not do a lot of comment and reply unless it is necessary to verify or get further information on a tip. Those of us that work this account will use our personal accounts for interactions of a personal or opinion nature. We wish to remain free of bias and simply present the news on this account.

Vote sharing had been suspended until SBD payments returned. However, with the cost to transfer funds sharing votes now hinders this account and for the time being will not be done. If things stabilize more so it is not negatively impacting the account to transfer shares of the funds to other accounts it will return.

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  • Bitcoin: 1GL8hq6aVbPoYALZ7DW6gBPipU8ZkaWkNM
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Other Aggregators
Venezuela and Español

Symbol Legend:

= Dehumanization[ 1 ] | = Edited Out Of Context | = Censorship
= Violence | = Hypocrisy / Projection / Accuse Enemy of your own acts
= False / Lie - With intent repeating what has already been acknowledged as false.



A breakdown of this week's big fake news trends, and more importantly, what we can do about it!

Curated for #informationwar (by @thoughts-in-time)

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Barbara Streisand Says She's Thinking Of Moving to Canada Because of Trump
didn't she say that last time?
her and about a dozen 'celebrities (in their own minds)
why are they all still here?

greyhound is ready when they are.

Maybe they can use one of Soros' buses or flatbed trucks.

Love the new emojis!

Yeah, it was something I wanted to insert. It turned today into a four hour odeal, but now I have them to use in the future.

Excelent initiative! Thanks for the mention! Ill PM you at Discord =)

I was doing a digital Journal about Argentina news, but ill stop doing it from the moment, now i know there is a lot of people that fights censorship. Ill be glad to help you!

I've been busy for the last month at work, so haven't been able to do it as often. Right now until I get a data center project done I'm trying to do it at least once a week. When I have time I do it five times a week. This is my personal account. @newsagg is where I aggregate news. I've been avoiding discord for the moment due to it easily distracting me and I have some big projects outside of steem to complete.

Thanks though. I believe this is the second article of yours I've included.

I was ofering on discord to support you with some design; a header, bars and a footer with your brand.

Absolutely free, just like what you are doing!

Send me some pictures to work with, to know the style you like. As a reference, ill do all my images on my posts C=

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TRX 0.15
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SBD 2.72