My favorite Shanghai dessert - 一口酥

in GEMS5 years ago

This is a Shanghai dessert that I use to indulge when I was younger. Ever since I moved away from home, I've never found this anywhere. It's been more than 10 years since I tasted this. But just the other day, my mum came over to visit my kids and brought over a box of these goodies. The taste of these brought back such wonderful memories.

我还记得我小时候,妈妈经常买这个点心给我吃。 自从我去了另一个城市上班,就再也没有吃过这个点心了。最近我妈妈来我家给我们带了这个点心,我一尝勾起了很多我儿时的回忆。


The sweetness of the dessert with shallot-flavored spices inside makes it something that you just keep wanting more. As I'm writing this, I'm craving it. I want it now! But they’re all gone.

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