A meeting with @disconnect

in SteemitContest10 months ago (edited)


image designed by me using PicsArt

In my journey in steemit, there has been several characters that are funny and makes me laugh most at times.

Just seeing the picture placed in his steemit page reminds me of the famous cartoon play Tom and Jerry. Jerry was an Iconic character in the play, same is the steemit user bearing that name. It is just that the Jerry in the play is connected while this particular one is disconnect. Hahahaha, I know that by now, you all know whom I am referring to. But for the benefit of those yet to identify the user, his steemit username is @disconnect.

So glad to be a participant of this contest. I want to share my opinion of @disconnect rat.

Do you like the work of @disconnect ?

First and foremost, the user behind the username is a man. Yes, I have had the opportunity to work closely with him in the early days of steemit curators and our team's name was 7up and our logo was as shown below


image was gotten from our team's telegram group. Yes, the group is still there for us

It was a very vibrant team then due to the members. And one thing about this disconnect is that, each time he wants to send a sticker, he will also send rat doing different things like the ones below


The screenshots were taken from our telegram group

Our team members were
@patjewell @harferri @kiwiscanfly @klen.civil @nehela @disconnect and I as can be seen from the image below


image was gotten from our telegram group

He was even the one that organized us as a team. So I have a history with this funny user, he is really doing a nice job.

The steemit platform is so robust with so many communities and individuals. Each week both users and communities host contest. Looking for and identifying these contest opportunities is not easy, since it would require much time and other resources to be able to do that. In most cases, users limit themselves to contest held in communities they are used to.

So I must say that I am really impressed with the work @disconnect is doing. Scanning through the entire blog and coming up with all the running contest for each week is not an easy work. It can only take the rat to run round the house in search of cheese or other edibles, haha!

I do like his work and I appreciates it a lot.

Where would you invite him to eat?

What will determine where to invite him over for lunch , dinner or breakfast is dependent on the form he will assume when we meet. If he is in the form of Jerry (rat), I will take him to a cheese shop, so that he can have as much cheese as possible or to his satisfaction. (Funny).

However, if I meet him as a person, I will take him to an exquisite bush bar in my locality to taste something different from what he is used to. That means treating him with plates of bush meat with sweet palm wine straight from its tree. Oh, I know he will really love it!

What are the questions you would ask him?

First, I would like to ask him, why he chose to be called disconnect rat?

Why would he choose rat among all the animals we have and know about?

How is he able to seek out all the contest in the blog, collate them and publish, since it involves a lot of stress?

I would also like to know if he is married and what is his family size like?

Lastly, I would like to see his real face and find out what inspired him to start doing the work he is doing in Steemit?

Would you like to work next door @disconnect?

I had worked with him earlier and I will love not just to work next door with him, but to work along with him. I need to learn certain things from him which would make my exploration in steemit less stressful and tasking. I will like to work smartly like him. Let him be the bosszzzzzzz!


It is great having to air my view about @disconnect. Additionally, this contest have provided an opportunity for me to appreciate the work he is doing.

Hopefully, I will be able to meet him one lovely day either in him own country, Sri-lanka or in my country, Nigeria

I will like all our team members to take part excluding him @patjewell @harferri @kiwiscanfly @klen.civil @nehela. The contest post is here


This is my introductory post here



Haha! Great minds think alike! Ialso dropped my entry minutes apart from each other.
The7Up! What a team!
How I would like to be a team one more time!

Let’s make a deal! If you meet with him in Nigeria I go with. And if I meet with him in SA you come along! :-)

Let’s make a deal! If you meet with him in Nigeria I go with. And if I meet with him in SA you come along! :-)

Done deal! Predict how the meeting with 3 of us will be like?

The7Up! What a team!
How I would like to be a team one more time!

I will like same too. It will be great but I for my part, my chances are very slim. I can only dream

In previous week's contest there was question asked "if Steem goes to $10"! If that happen, count me in for organizing an epic Steemit Meet Up! 🚀🥳

You can count on me! I will be there!

Happy days! Oh happy days!!

It looks like I am there in the clip?

What a great moment that will be! Can't wait

Miracles still happens! 🤞

Fingers crossed 🤞

While reading this lovely writing, I felt moment of pride and satisfaction as I can confidently say that my 750+ days here are absolutely worth it! Thanks @ngoenyi!

Btw, I've already answered most of the questions you asked in this interview with @ubongudofot. Give it a look when you have a free time. The one I've not answered will remain as a secret till I reach 1000 days! 😁

A Talk With Hard Working/ Smart Steemians

I have taken time to go through the interview. I have gotten the reasons behind disconnected and rat. They are quite fitting! 750+ days here on steemit is huge and I am waiting for the 1000th day of your existence here on the blog. As for me, I will be 1095+ in the next 3 days. I am glad. Let's keep moving till when the other secrets will be unlocked.

Keep moving is the real secret 😅 Btw, I'm counting the days with one stretch without any resting day.. 🤠

Keep up the counting, I am following

Gracias por participar buena ya tienes un experiencia con @disconnect buena publicaciones exitos

Excellent post ma, I can agree with you on his gender because of how hardworking and creative he is, just like you said it will be nice we see the person behind this RAT picture. And don't forget to call me when he honours your invitation.

I will surely call you. It's going to be a wonderful moment for everyone present. Thank you for your comment.

Waooo I never knew he was the organiser of the 7up team, working with him he really helpful, disconnect is a rat because is only rat that run round to see what they can can eat,he is such a wonderful soul which I will also love to work with him.

I agree, he is the only one that can run round the house in search of food and in this case, his food is contest. Thank you for your comment


Your post has been successfully curated by @o1eh at 35%.

This publication has been awarded for being one of the winners of the contest of the user @sportsnixon1.

Thank you for your committed efforts, we urge you to do more and keep posting high quality contests for a chance to earn valuable upvotes from our team of curators and why not be selected for an additional upvote in the weekly list of Top Contests.

Thank you @o1eh for the support

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