Movie Review "Mindhunter

in LifeStyle4 years ago

Will, the main character of the film, is a very ordinary janitor, he has not received higher education, but has an innate talent for mathematics, coupled with his diligence and hard work, so that he has shown extraordinary ability in the field of mathematics. But deep inside his mind, he is unable to face himself, sensitive, irritable, proud, confused, closed and cowardly. The solution to a mathematical puzzle leads to the discovery of Will by a mathematics professor at MIT, who brings in a psychologist to help him. In the interaction with the psychiatrist, in the time spent with his friends and girlfriend, Will's inner world gradually unfolds to us. Especially the collision with the psychologist Sean, the battle of capturing the heart, the exchange of heart for heart, will bring us a great inspiration and deeply touched. The dialogue of the characters in the film is more, and is rich in philosophy, such as the classic dialogue of the lake to explain the life experience, and Sean no less than ten times "it's not your fault", Will's emotions from calm to excited to angry to tears, and finally cried out on Sean's shoulder The final tears were shed on Sean's shoulder. I was impressed by these clips. Please pay attention to the growth and change of Will's mind and everyone around him during the several counseling sessions with Professor Sean.


①There is a counselor in the movie who is about a teenager with character disorder. But he has the gift of being one of those highly sensitive visitors. As for the three counselors who appear, the first one looks like a counselor who takes a humanistic viewpoint, but he forgets one of the principles of humanistic counseling - sincerity. He also took a persuasive approach, and he tried to finish the intervention in a hurry. So he lost the opportunity. The second one is a hypnotic technique. But he encountered a lack of cooperation, he was a bit conceited. The third one was the best counseling professor. His method belongs to psychodynamic therapy, a theory and technique based on the psychoanalytic viewpoint that emerged from the development of the psychoanalytic school of thought. He came up and produced a rare stress, which represented some imperfect aspects of him being exposed. This would have really annoyed some immature counselors forever with that visitor. But he revealed himself authentically, and then he faced his imperfections openly. Such honesty gained the approval of a visitor.

In counseling techniques, it is beneficial to expose less of the counselor's experience in moderation. But this behavior should never become a habit or evolve into consulting others with one's own experience. Then it goes to the opposite. After this interaction, the two people gain a kind of identification with the counseling, that is, they are able to suggest a good counseling alliance. This is a necessary relationship in all counseling, and a well established relationship is beneficial to the progress of counseling.

Then the counselor points out the flaws of a perfectionist. We all have our own blind spots, and this is especially true in the case of the symptomatic visitor. If we do not identify these flaws, or if we do, are not willing to accept them, it can easily lead to problems. The part of personality that is not acknowledged is the part that is not developed. While we can accept that we will always have immaturity, we need to allow our immaturity to at least not come to interfere with our lives in general.

The visitor and the counselor spent several silent counseling sessions. Silence is a situation that many counselors dread; they feel that if everyone doesn't talk. Wouldn't that mean that nothing could be done. They may have to do something or educate the client about something. But it is the desire to do something in a hurry that may interfere with the development of the visitor's feelings.

I think the silence of the counselor in that episode plays a role of quiet care. This is very similar to one of the "safe base" theories of the Object School, that is, everyone needs a safe base to grow up. This is a habit that begins when we are children. If a child is away from his parents for too long, he will have psychological anxiety ......
And a good safe base is a kind of caring, which is very similar to Rogers' caring technique.
Then the movie, this care in silence finally came to fruition. That is the effect of silence ripened something.
Self-perceived perfection is lifted again, while he is pointed out that he is afraid of being abandoned. So he needs to protect himself from being ignored or abandoned in the first place. The visitor's heart is endowed with a real hidden deep inferiority complex. But he could not admit it. This is an event related to a traumatic childhood experience. The visitor's experience has led him to over-develop one aspect of his personality and under-develop another. This is like the development of social behavior. But the confrontation of this situation can be painful. Then there is a temporary interruption of the consultation. This interruption is the part of the visitor's life where he thinks about himself, he is in pain, and even breaks up with his girlfriend who loves him so much - he has low self-esteem. But human emotions can develop, and he finally starts to find his own life. His feelings develop to the point where he begins to confront his past flaws and misfortunes. This confrontation allows the Ribbito of his past life to be successfully released. He begins to become a flawed man, but he is able to be happy enough to freely choose his own life. Instead of being controlled by the shadows to carry out his kind of life that required perfection without acknowledging any of his flaws.
The visitor went back to the counselor and they had their closing counseling session.
That last image is meaningful, the car driving off to Canifonia to pick up a nice girl. We don't see the ending, but we see the road extending, which represents the beginning of a kind of hopeful life, because at the end of the road is the symbol of a soul.

② Analysis of counseling by Professor Sean.

Key word one: sincerity

But when the professor and Will first met, Will stimulated the professor with very aggressive words, at that time, the professor was angry and reached out to pinch Will's neck, and we saw that as a counselor, there are also the feelings and self-control of ordinary people. However, in the face of such a child, the professor did not give up, and did not hide to say their own psychological feelings and contradictions, to say Will's excesses, Will was moved by Thorn's truth and sincerity, the mind was shaken.

"If you talk to me about art, you will talk endlessly about every book written about art. Let's say Michelangelo, you must know a lot about him, his life, his relationship with the Pope, his political revenge and sexual activities. Right? But you could never tell me what I would smell in the Sisyphean church, you never stood under that beautiful ceiling and looked up. If I talked to you about women, you would have given me a list of women you liked, and maybe you slept with them a few times, but you couldn't tell me what you felt when you woke up the woman next to you full of joy ...... You are indeed a genius, no one denies that, and maybe no one really understands you, right? But you're telling me what to do with my life just based on a painting I made. You're an orphan, aren't you? How do you think I know that? Your past life, your character, your feelings, do you think I've read about the orphans of the Mist? That man is the epitome of you, and at first I had no interest in that because I didn't want to read that kind of book, I couldn't learn anything from you ......"

This line is a classic, see through, a person only knows, for the importance of not being able to experience real emotions. Seeing whether a person is superficial or not. It is these words, Will shocked, so that his surface conceit, completely defeated, which can be a means, from the heart, so that Will had to defy the professor.
Key word two: clarification

Will, although extremely intelligent but can not see their own problems, he talked on the one hand moving bricks should be respected, doing handyman is not something to be ashamed of, in any place as long as they work by their own strength to eat is the thing that can be, their own pursuit is this. On the other hand, he took a 40-minute train ride every day to the most respected university in the world to do handyman work, and hid to put the answers to difficult questions on the blackboard, and then denied that he had done it. Thorn saw it all clearly and questioned Will as to why he was doing this and why he wasn't a handyman in his own home. Will is dumbfounded. Thorn continued his offensive and asked Will what his ambition was. Will blurted out that he wanted to be a shepherd on a southern ranch, and Thorn opened the door and said to Will, "Don't waste my time, go away." Will, who was used to talking out of turn, was puzzled and stressed that the time for consultation was not yet over, and Thorn said, "It is a waste of my time to talk to someone who cannot give an honest answer to a simple question." Will left speechless, but left Will with much to contemplate as he began to reflect on himself and his contradictory actions and words.

Keyword 3: Confrontation

Thorn and Will had five confrontations, including a confrontation without a word, a confrontation with strong words, a confrontation with rough actions, etc. Each confrontation gave Will a step deeper understanding of himself. Each confrontation gave Will and Thorn infinite thinking, thinking about the value and meaning of their own existence, thinking about whether to retreat and give up or face up to setbacks when faced with trials. Each confrontation is a deep test of the two, especially for Will's, yet it really works.

Key word four: repeatedly pressed

When Thorn learned from Will's file that Will was an orphan, abandoned since childhood by the people who should have loved and cared for him, and abused by his adoptive father, covered with scars, his heart felt a strong shock, because Thorn also experienced the same encounter, he understood the root of Will's low self-esteem, from a deeper understanding of Will to abandon others before others abandoned him, which is also the root of his strong self-protection. When talking about this painful experience, in the face of Will's indifferent attitude, Thorn did not get angry, but used the same phrase "it's not your fault" to ask Will repeatedly. After a series of psychological feelings fully understand Thorn's words, their past experience is really not their own fault, why they have to carry this heavy burden refused to face life truthfully, refused to accept the true feelings, has been to punish themselves with the mistakes of others, has been through the trampling of their own talent to soothe themselves? He recognized himself clearly and saw his own strengths and weaknesses. This is such a cruel and long process, but also a beautiful beginning of a new self, a new life.

When a person only opens his heart, he will enter the sunshine!

③ Psychological analysis of the main character.

His heart is locked, born in poverty, low status, Will's heart lurks a strong inferiority complex and the desire to be loved and cared for, violent temperament like a galloping wild horse, as long as the outside world attempts to violate his world, whenever he realizes that before harm comes, he will retract his trust tentacles, simply do not hesitate to fight with all his might with his fists. In front of Professor Lambert, the mathematical puzzle that he could not answer for more than ten years was easily and successfully cracked in three minutes, and then the answer sheet was set on fire and burned in his jaw-dropping and stifling sigh, hitting his confidence, a way for Will to build up his self-confidence.

Faced with the problem, Will once again stood melancholy at Professor Sean's door, but this time, no matter how much he knocked, the little old man ignored him. After some hesitation in place, gritting his teeth, he drove the broken car on the highway, the direction of the girl's city long, bright blue sky ahead. Professor Sean, hiding behind the window since, looked at the back of this weaning youth and smiled comfortably.

Will's 20 years old, when he closed his world, nothing can enter but nothing can be accommodated, when he opened his heart to face his past, the sun came in (no wonder the Hong Kong translation is called "sun like me"), so want to express there is a lot of audience, want to confide in a confidant to listen, want to get love on the girl to pour their hearts. Every person who helps Will is a trapper of the heart. However, when he first went on the road alone, only to deeply appreciate a calm and decisive as a man. Life is not a movie, but the movie certainly wants to tell us more than that!

④Will and his girlfriend.

The first problem is his beloved girlfriend Minnie D'Aguilar, a young and beautiful Harvard girl from a middle-class family, who makes him feel inferior and lost because of her superior family conditions and good education. Although Will treats Shijana as his girlfriend, dating her, helping her with her homework, going out together to gamble on dogs and going out to live together, he does not tell Shijana his real family background, making some cracks in the relationship between the two. The film once again emphasizes the cowardly and vain side of Will, who is afraid to face his past and does not want people to know his past, even to his girlfriend he still has to hide it.

⑤ Will and friends.

Limbaugh is impressed by Will's talent and wants Will to pursue a career in mathematics, so he finds a job for Will and arranges an interview, but Will doesn't go to the interview, but finds Charlie to make a mess. In Will's subconscious he doesn't want to be able to make a splash, he just wants to live a comfortable and ordinary life. He did not want to face the challenge.

A disillusioned Will comes to work at Charlie's place of work, Charlie knows the fact that he broke up with Scarlett, but is angered by Will's offer to work hard with him at the construction site, and he tells Will, "If you're still the same in 20 years as you are now, I'm going to kill you with my hands. You have talent and we don't, you don't owe it to yourself, you owe it to us. If you're here for 20 years, it's an insult to us. I pick you up at your house every day and walk toward your door for those 15 seconds, and I wish more than anything that you weren't there, that you'd leave to create your own life without saying hello to us

The sincere words of his best friend touched Will, he began to reflect on himself, on his life, his love and his future, his mind began to be touched, he began to walk thinking about a healthy life.


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