Gods on Earth! A long review of Justice League

in LifeStyle4 years ago

As a long-time fan of DC since 2002, the premiere of Positive League is a must-see. Although I already knew beforehand that the movie's rating was not very high, it is actually a very simple truth that the perception is one's own, if the psychological implication of "this movie is not good enough" or "this movie's rating is very low" has been implanted in one's heart before watching the movie, one will often magnify some minor flaws or even ignore other advantages when watching it.
I went to the premiere yesterday, and to my surprise, there was a bowling event where you could win a souvenir by knocking down 6 bottles with a logo on them at once, and you only get one chance per ticket, and well, then Visetti actually hit it! So the souvenir was there! I'm so excited!
The film that DC fans have been waiting for for years can be described in one sentence: a film with very obvious strengths and weaknesses.
The film's greatest strength lies in its portrayal of the Big 6, and after being limited in length by Warner CEO Kevin, it's very difficult to juggle every aspect in its entirety for a film that is so informative in its own right. And with DC also lacking a solo SOLO movie like the MCU Women's League before it paved the way, how hard is it to portray most of the heroes making their big screen debut in a limited time frame?
Thankfully, Justice League the movie does.
Compared to the Batman who was used as a gun by Luthor in the previous BVS, Bruce in Justice League seems reckless in resurrecting Superman at great risk, yet in reality he has everything under control, not in the same league as the Batman who was tricked in the previous film and only rushed to the rescue when he finally realised he had hit the wrong teammate. Diana's fears of a repeat of Luthor's mistake of creating a monster, or that a resurrected Superman would be unhinged, are normal, yet a line in the play between Bruce and Alfred already sets the stage for Superman's awakening later on: he lives here, he's more human than I am.
It is because of this belief in the glory of Superman's humanity that Bruce knows that even if he loses his mind, the people he loves can surely bring hope back to the Man of Steel, and as it happens, Lewis, who had long been set up by Bruce when Superman lost control, arrives and Clark ends up back in Metropolis.
Although it is very scheming, however, in terms of combat performance is indeed rather poor, fight a normal class of demons are very difficult, but in fact this is the usual contrast technique used in this film of the main association (will be mentioned below when talking about Superman) after all, a scheming warlord, if with other superpowered teammates in two or three times to knock down a bunch of stragglers, then the sense of contrast is lost.
Batman has 2 big slots in this movie, the first being that after taking down the thief at the beginning to lure and solve the class demon, he just runs away ..... Can we not send the thief to the police? The second is when Superman is pushed to the ground when he comes back to life, and the line "I'm really bleeding" ......... Other than that, Batman is better in this one.
The DCEU's Superman has been considered a god since the beginning of MOS, including the awakening of the Mother Box and the attack on Earth by the Drakengard because Superman died, and the thief in the opening chapter told Batman that aliens were coming because there was no more Superman. Imagine a god that everyone had been hoping for, being resurrected and then beaten down in a matter of seconds, it's not only incongruous, it's also completely inconsistent with the DCEU's history. Would a Superman who was only slightly stronger than Wonder Woman or the Sea King be so scary to the Werewolf? Therefore, Superman's strength is what justifies the Werewolf invasion, and if Superman wasn't strong enough, the reasoning behind the Werewolf waiting for the Kryptonian to die before invading would be ridiculous.
Also some people worry that if Superman is so strong, won't the other Alliance members seem pointless? What other bosses are there for him to fight? There's really no need to worry about any of that. The fact is that there is no need to worry about Wonder Woman's lasso+shield+bracelet, Batman's tactical intelligence, Sea King's naval combat, Steel Bone's GMIT, and Flash's Godspeed power - these are all features of their own, and features that cannot be replaced by Superman no matter how good he is. Darkside, Brainiac, I'm afraid the strength Superman showed in the JL is not enough for him alone in the face of these levels of opponents.
Due to length and plot constraints, Superman doesn't have much of a part in the movie, but the movie doesn't forget to add a standard answer to why he's alive ---- The movie opens with Superman being interviewed after saving someone's life, and people ask him what he likes about this place (Earth). At the end Superman keeps smiling, but doesn't answer. So, what is the answer? At the showdown, Kal-El answers with his actions - he doesn't hesitate to go to the rescue when he hears that there are civilians in need of rescue, and moves a building straight away (laughs) Clark he likes the people here, and it's because of the need to protect them that he's on this earth again.
The highlight of Wonder Woman in the main league is taking care of the other members (even Batman), enlightening Steel Bones, stopping Bruce the Bear from trying to do something dangerous and so on, all with a maternal watchful eye, being the oldest person in the league after all, and as one of the Big Three, her leadership skills are also on display. Given that the character of Wonder Woman was already very successfully portrayed in her own SOLO movie, the main league is more of an icing on the cake for Wonder Woman. However, it is worth noting that the "only love can save the world" reference made by Princess in the SOLO films is echoed in the main story, where Superman goes on a rampage and is saved by his love (Louis), who eventually saves the day.
The best of the three newcomers.
The current Barry in the US show The Flash is already a veteran, so the film's Barry is clearly a fledgling, very young and lively figure, and a smart way to differentiate himself from the US show.
But the reason why the Flash stands out so much has to be attributed to Ezra's very strong acting, playing the Flash, who has no experience in combat, to perfection, including the first fight, his fear in the face of Superman's great power and so on. The film also shows that from his initial lack of confidence in himself (including when he goes to see his father, the young Barry actually reveals an air of not believing in himself) to his fear of fighting to his willingness to conduct electricity when he resurrects Superman to his courage to take on the task of killing the bugs for the sake of Steel Bones in the final battle (although his lack of experience in combat means he still has to be helped by Batman)
However, if you look closely, you can see that Barry in the movie is one of those people who needs to be pushed, and in reality, you can also see many people who are obviously quite strong, but are always afraid of not being able to do it well, but at this point, if he has an outside push, he can do the job well, and he will be very happy when he succeeds. This is the type of person who is often said to be capable enough but unstable at heart. The vast majority of these people are young boys who have just left society, which perfectly matches the young Barry in the film who has not yet officially worked. When Barry succeeds in his task, that smile of his is also very much like the one we had when we first worked and completed a big task. human.
The Flash, unlike Sea King Steel Bones, has no longer had to hide behind his persona as there was already a TV version in existence, instead it was necessary to get something different from the show version and this time it was certainly done brilliantly.
Another point is that although Superman is able to keep up with the Flash, it is clear from the show that the Flash is a little faster, but because of his inexperience and indeed not having explored his powers much, he is still beaten by Superman in the end, but this is not a failure in terms of speed.
The jokes that the Flash takes on are largely not overly forced and are quite natural. Although there is more space, the length is limited, but it is very, very rare for the Flash to be portrayed so well in a limited amount of time.
First of all, I'm glad the translation didn't say "Aquaman", there's not a lot of Sea King in this movie, and a lot of it is just a little bit too much, so I think it's intentional for next year's SOLO (of course, there's also the length factor).
The film's Sea King is not yet the king of Atlantis, and is not yet paired with Meera. From the plot of the film, it is more likely that the Queen of Atlantis is no longer around, and Arthur has mentioned the origins of his parents, so what is the situation in Atlantis when the Queen is dead and Arthur often skips to Iceland? Is it the work of the "current king" that the mother box is so important that the Amazons have almost their entire clan to protect it, while Atlantis has only a few sailors besides Meera? Or is it something else? All kinds of suspense, want to know? Then watch next year's Sea King SOLO!
Of course, the Sea King in the main series is not just digging for suspense, apart from the bravado shown in the play, there is only one small episode that shows the general appearance of the character. He's also a man of different appearances haha, or maybe he's half human and has inherited a certain human trait (even if he's scared, he has to be strong! You can't be a coward with your mouth!
Don't think this is a lame take on the King of the Seas. Compared to the manga's Arthur, whose presence is barely better than air, the persona given in the movie is clearly more interesting and more digestible, and even if it's not fully revealed yet, it's enough to make you look forward to next year's Sea King SOLO.
It's a shame that Steel Bone's scenes were cut the most out of the 6 because of their length, but of course, there are some scenes that are fine (like the one with the iron mask in the trailer, it's too much like Iron Man)
Steel Bones is a very important character in this movie because of his own performance and characteristics. Like the fledgling Flash, Steel Bones is also in the "not yet fully in control of his powers" stage. But Victor's pressure is obviously greater than Barry's, turning himself into something that is a monster by default even in his dad's mind (it's heartbreaking to see this part), including many times in the film where Victor is smiling happily, in contrast to his unsmiling face after turning into Steel Bone. I'm afraid he himself doesn't know. Steel Bones in this situation is very depressed, about the same age as Barry, but the difference between the two is clear. In fact, Steel Bones could have gone even deeper with this aspect of humanity and mechanics, typically as in the case of Genji in Watchmen, who is also a combination of human + intelligent weapon, a character with a very rich story. If Steel Bones really wants to make a SOLO, it would be good to go in this direction if it is well explored.
The only moment in the movie where Steel Bone laughs the most is when he finally separates from the mother box with Superman, just like the point mentioned above in The Flash.
Either way, Steel Bones in this posse is also very good, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with digging deeper if you want to, and it wouldn't be surprising if Warner brought Steel Bones SOLO up again in the future (although that seems unlikely now).
I'm very happy with the portrayal of the Big 6 this time around, and am looking forward to the respective SOLO films even more.
Apart from the characterisation, the other good thing is naturally that the scenes are explosive, but this time they are relatively spread out unlike the concentrated ones in MOS and BVS; secondly, the two eggs are of really high quality, kudos~
Having said the pros, it's time to talk about the cons.
Some of the filler footage will not be mentioned, this time the positive association disadvantages have several.
The cutscenes jump around too quickly for the length of the film, making it feel rather abrupt. It's also a little hard to switch scenes because the recruitment of the Flash and the others is a multi-line affair, and if you compare it to Femme Fatale 1, you're missing a thread that ties everything together, it's more like a fragmented mess that comes together at the end.
The lines. I don't know if it's the translation or the lines themselves, but some of them are really unwatchable.
The soundtrack, surprisingly for the Justice League, has no main theme music. Also Superman's MOS theme music has been abandoned....
The resurrection of Superman lacks the "grandeur" that was previously advertised, the process is too simple and not well rendered. Of course, the resurrected Superman is still very impressive when he takes on the Big 5.
The lack of setting, perhaps due to the fact that the previous MOS cities were so deadly and even blamed by critics, BVS put the battlefield in no man's land, this time directly in the desolate land of Siberia, where there were few people around, but this is a fatal flaw. Because unlike a single monster event like Doomsday, this time the Werewolf comes with an army of demon-like beings, and the target is Earth, and a villain out to conquer the planet with a whole army ends up not even going to the city. And because the duel is in the mother box that base, the scene is narrow, the number of class demons is not enough, compared with the Women's League 1 full of monsters fighting in the city looks a lot smaller, because it is a deserted place, the crowd shots from the beginning to the end is only that family, said to save the Earth, but if you do not know say they are XX agents team, in some deserted place to carry out XX activities seems to be nothing wrong. And since the battle took place in such a place, with almost no media or crowd witness, how did the world later learn that the Posse had saved the planet? Did Louis, who wasn't there at the time, report it by learning the confessions of the Posse's crowd?
Overall, Justice League is in the middle of the pack within the DCEU, personally, not as good as WW & MOS, but better than BVS & SS, and is a film worth seeing in the cinema.


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