The Shawshank Redemption: the pinnacle of world cinema history, did you really see it?

in LifeStyle4 years ago

The Shawshank Redemption, a film by Frank Darabont directed by Frank Darabont, Tim Robbins, Morgan B. The Shawshank Redemption, directed by Frank Darabont and starring Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman. The film, directed by Frank Darabont and starring Tim Robbins, Morgan Freeman and others, has become a classic of its time, and has a perennial 9.7 rating on Douban, and is even listed by many as one of the must-see movies for men. In the prison, he makes a group of like-minded friends and is forced to help the prison warden to make false accounts and launder money. Finally, after seeing the hypocritical face of the prison warden, he starts his escape plan, he chisels a tunnel to freedom with a small stone hammer and finally escapes on a rainy night, and also takes all the savings of the prison warden by the way, and finally exposes the criminal facts of the prison warden to the newspaper. to share with you my experience after watching this film!
In 1947, Andy, a famous banker, was accused of shooting his wife and lover, and was sentenced to life imprisonment, and he will spend the rest of his life in Shawshank Prison. He is serving a life sentence for murder and has never been paroled, but during his long time in prison he has become an authority figure here, and as long as you have money, he can get anything, not only cigarettes and fruit, but even marijuana, and the first time he sees Andy and a group of inmates coming, Reed actually makes a bet with his teammates, because the first night of a new inmate The first night is always spent in panic and crying, but Andy seems very calm, he did not cry, and in the end directly caused Reed to lose two packs of cigarettes, but it is also this incident that made Reed impressed with Andy, which shows that Andy is a calm, calm, and even a man with a plan, he is not happy and angry, do anything is in the heart of the first plan, which also laid the groundwork for his later escape.
After arriving at Shawshank Prison, Andy did not come into contact with anyone for a long time, and when he was released every day, he walked around the yard as if he was walking in a park. It was not until a month later that he approached Reed, saying that he wanted his help in getting a cranesbill hoe, and at first Reed was worried that he wanted to use it to plot a crime, but he soon changed his mind, because the weight of the small hammer was so small that The hammer was too small to be used as a murder weapon and Andy was so good at disguising himself that he started carving chess with it to pass the time and eventually got Reed to help him with a giant poster of Rita Hayworth. He also gets Reed to help him get a huge poster of Rita Hayworth to hang in his cell, and it is with this poster as a cover that Andy is able to start his escape plan perfectly later on. It is amazing to see that Andy is a man with a lot of initiative, even vision, who has prepared the tools for his escape when he is first incarcerated, and even found a cover for it.
Of course, the most touching scene is Andy's efforts to get a cold beer for everyone, because the prison regularly holds work outside the prison, and when Andy heard that the guards were recently worried about a large inheritance, he took the initiative to help the guards, the condition is that the guards must help their fellow inmates to get a bucket of cold beer to drink, the guards at first did not believe his words, but Andy with his outstanding eloquence and mathematical talent The prison guard at first didn't believe him, but Andy conquered him with his eloquence and mathematical talent, and the guard got the inheritance, and of course he kept his promise to get Andy's cellmate a keg of cold beer. It's a great thing that Andy has done, and it's a great thing that he's letting people in the prison know how hard it is to be free.
The moment the music started, everyone stopped to watch and listened quietly, the world seemed to stand still at this moment, and Andy also stretched out, lying on the chair, immersed in the happy music could not extricate himself, this moment, watching the editor's heart surging, because see all the people in the prison Andy is not moved by the intimidation of the warden and the guards, but of course, such behaviour is not allowed in prison, and Andy pays a terrible price for this, as he is put in solitary confinement, but he has no regrets, as he thinks it is all worth it.
A cruel thing soon happens when a young inmate arrives at the prison and instantly gives Andy endless hope because this inmate knows the inside story of Andy's wife's murder and with his testimony, Andy will be cleared of wrongdoing, but the greedy and ugly warden is unwilling to let Andy go because he needs Andy's help in laundering his money, so he brutally kills the inmate and it is this incident that It was this incident that shattered all Andy's illusions, and it was from this moment on that he made up his mind to leave the place. He would start digging tunnels late at night every day, and then while the wind was out, he would take the dirt out and scatter it bit by bit from his trouser pockets onto the square, and he continued to do this for twenty years, and ordinary people really don't have such patience, but Andy did, and on the last night he left, he changed into the Warden's leather shoes, and new clothes, and of course took all the Warden's deposit slips with him.
It rained heavily that night, thunder rumbled, and Andy made his way through the tunnel he had dug, it was not long and one section was dirty, but Andy didn't care about that, I was blown away the moment he leapt out of the sewer, when the rain was pouring and the lightning was flashing. Andy took off his shirt and sighed to the heavens that he was free, and then he ran to the major banks and took out all the money the warden had, and finally sent the evidence of his crimes to the major newspapers, and the warden and the guilty guards were punished by the law together, and Red went to Andy after he was released from prison, and he first found the money and the letter Andy had prepared for him at the place Andy told him to meet, and then went to the beach and met Andy, and the moment the two old friends reunite and embrace, the whole world seems to applaud them, it's so good to be free, and to have this lost and found freedom.
Andy spent twenty years digging a pathway to freedom for himself, which is difficult to do, especially in a high walled compound, and many people would have given up long ago when faced with such a situation. At the end of each day, he did not look dull and wail as if his life had come to an end, as other prisoners did.
Andy used his personal experience to convey a simple truth to us, that is, life is good or bad, it all depends on oneself, what kind of life you want to live, first of all, you have to live yourself as that, and also is to determine the goal, to cherish time, little by little time accumulated over time, it can converge into an ocean, so bits and pieces of time together can also accomplish a lot of big things.
The other is the theme of freedom. As the line in the film says, some birds are born to be locked up, their feathers are too sharp, their songs too sweet and too wild, so you have to let them go, otherwise one day when you open the cage to feed them, they will also find a way to go away. If it is for the sake of freedom, both can be thrown away, so we should cherish our freedom and not draw a prison, many people obviously have a good life, but you feel that he has been living in a cage, such a life is sad, we resolutely can not live such a life, we should look at life positively and optimistically, treat life with a sunny and upward attitude, and use hard work and sweat to build growth, so that we can have a bright and happy future.
Finally, I would like to say a few words about the artistic charm of films. Apart from having a wonderful plot and superb acting, a good film can also make the audience think and help people to improve their spiritual world, so that they can better integrate into social life. I believe that even after many years, this film will still be a classic, and I hope that more people will be able to see such a good work of conscience, and I hope that everyone who sees it will be able to think about it, be enlightened, and grow, so as to gain a better and happier life.





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ohh man!! this the best!!

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