The Diary Game/Betterlife:14/05/2021steemCreated with Sketch.

in Steem Cameroon3 years ago

Hello Steem world
Today is another beautiful day,hope you had a good one! So today I woke up about 4:15am,it was pretty cold as usual and I also had a cold so I stayed on bed for sometime. While on bed I put on my pc and downloaded some new shows and movies. At 6:00am I was called out for morning devotion,we had devotion for about an hour ,by 7:00am we were done.

After that I tidied my room, washed my face and brushed my teeth. I have being receiving complains from my dad on how my hair was overgrown so I left and went to the barbershop,on arriving there,there was a long line waiting to get shaved. I waited for quite a long time before it was my turn, the guy shaved my hair to my taste and I left his shop about 10am.

On arriving home some friends of mine were waiting for me cause we had to go work on someone's song. So immediately I entered the house I prepared and we left to the guys place. We arrived there about 11:30am because the guys place was quite far . When we arrived he had been waiting for us since 10am. So we immediately setup our keyboards and started working on the songs .

We practiced for about an hour and electricity seized,at that moment we decided to eat something,so we ate some irish potatoes and just some few minutes later power came back on. We continued the practice till about 4pm when we stopped. I then left the place and went for a meeting at ntarinkon where I spend the rest of my evening and by 6:30pm I left the place and rushed back home.

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