
E baš to, ovo zadnje... uf... mogla bi probati, točno imam leptiriće u trbuhu :))))

Istooo! Ako probas, javi kako je prosao date! :D

  1. Don't judge yourself.

Don't judge yourself and go down the rabbit hole and start to think that you're a bad person.

Beautiful post, I enjoyed every bit of it. My challenge is when your inner “friend” becomes negative under the guise of protecting you. Eg it won’t encourage you to go for that interview or talk to that hit girl because you will get rejected and have your ego bruised etc. in such cases how do you retrain your inner self to be more positive??
I’m asking because I experience it a lot.

I haven't done so many things and I missed so many opportunities in life because of that feeling that I'm going to fail or embarrass myself, but the key is to just do it. Even if it doesn't turn out great, you can always learn from the experience so the next time it will be better.
Also try to focus on yourself first, always find ways to improve and give the best you can. Be yourself and over time, your confidence will grow.
Getting out of the comfort zone can be challenging but it is one of the best things you can do for yourself and realizing that there is no failure, there is only a lesson.
I hope this helps! :)

Thank you for this post! Like it so much, It's so motivating! :)

It makes me so happy to read comments like this, thank you! :)

Great post thanks for sharing

Thank you so much! :)

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