Choices! What will it be? #56

in Steem For Ladies26 days ago (edited)


“He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; he who does not ask a question remains a fool forever.” This is commonly seen in the classrooms.

A classroom is a room in the school building designated for lessons and studies. It is where teachers go to plan their lessons, teach their pupils, and mark their work. Every child who attends school usually goes to the classroom for lessons and interaction with fellow pupils or students. In other words, the classroom is the space provided for learning and social interaction.

The classroom is a place where children develop different skills, such as speaking languages, memorizing words, and socializing with others. It is the first step a child takes to mingle outside the home. There are usually several classrooms in one school for different levels and subjects.

A classroom is meant to be conducive to learning. It is meant to be spacious, neat, attractive to the pupils, airy, and all set out for learning. I have seen a classroom where 30 students were packed up like sardines. There was no cross ventilation for these pupils, no fan, and I wondered how these little babies would learn effectively.

A classroom should be very large to contain all the pupils in a class and have enough space for other activities they wish to perform. A classroom should always give the pupils a sense of belonging and make them happy to learn fast. Did you know that the environment affects a child's learning ability? Oh yes, it does.

What you should find inside a classroom


• A large table for the teacher to sit at and do all her work.

• A well-arranged desk and chairs for the pupils or students to sit and learn.

• Text books and storybooks for learning.

• Equipment for writing and studying, e.g., stationary.

• Storage containers, such as trays and cupboards, for keeping everything organized and tidy.

• Display materials, such as banners, bunting, and posters, to make it look lovely and colorful for children and their teachers.

• A clock on the wall so lessons start and finish on time!

• A blackboard, whiteboard, or classroom projector for the teacher to give a lesson, illustrate ideas, and explain them.

• Creative materials such as crayons, markers, fabrics, paint, and glue for coloring, collages, and craft activities.

• Beanbags and a carpet area for children and their teacher to gather in a circle. Here you might discuss topics, do group reading, and do wet-play activities.

You should also know that a classroom for a year 5 pupil isn't the same as a year 2 pupil; the difference must be clear because they have different curricula.


In a classroom, desks and chairs are arranged in roles, and every student sits according to their height so that the tall ones won't overshadow the short ones. But during examinations, these desks and chairs are separated, given space by the corner to enable the students to face their work without copying from each other.

Questions are asked in a classroom because students are there to learn, and if anything is not clear, you get cleared immediately. When I was younger, I feared asking questions in the classroom because I felt I would be laughed at, but when questions are asked, I answer them. I usually feel ashamed until I join the university; that is when I loosen up.

Classrooms in the old days were nothing as cool as today's classrooms; the settings were just a table and chair to sit at, and if you don't pay for the seat, you will stand during lessons. But today, we have more conducive classrooms for pupils, although not all schools have a good classroom to learn in.

But I wonder what classrooms will look like in the future because we are growing technologically globally. Or maybe no classroom at all; instead, it will be online learning for everyone. I think the future will tell...

I invite @nancy0 @pandora2010 @mariami


 26 days ago 
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Hi dear friend @nina,

You highlighted a great point in your post, my dear friend. I think the experience of being in a classroom physically is never the same in an online class. It would be very different in the future and the children will also have a different mindset unlike what we grew up with.

I wish you luck in the contest!

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 26 days ago 

Thank you mummy!

 25 days ago 

Your post is nominated by Steem For Ladies for booming vote.
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"Only posts that are original, adhere to the rules, and are not cross-posted are nominated. If approved, you will receive an upvote within the next few days."

Good luck!

 24 days ago 

Hi friend,, your writing skill is very nice.. You have clearly explained about classroom.. Thanks for this nice post..Wish you all the best

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